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Medical Safety Management Office

Last updated on March 26, 2024.

Introduction of Medical Safety Management Office

Organization chart of the Medical Safety Management Office

Based on the Yokohama Municipal Hospital Medical Charter, the Medical Safety Management Office establishes a medical safety management system and allows patients to receive safe and secure medical care by promoting measures to prevent accidents at the Stroke and Neurospinal Center. It was set up for the purpose of improving the environment. We are working as a department that promotes the policy of medical safety measures determined based on discussions of the Safety Management Committee across the organization.

In addition, we supervise various activities for patient safety in the hospital, lead to effective and efficient implementation, promote education and awareness-raising activities, and strive to raise the safety awareness of all staff.

Work contents of the Medical Safety Management Office

Incident Reporting System

The incident reporting system collects and analyzes incident cases from all staff members, considers countermeasures at the Safety Management Committee, etc., and works to prevent accidents.

Planning and operation of training

We conduct safety management training for new hires and transferees, and plan and operate medical safety training sessions for all staff.

In-hospital rule audit

We regularly conduct audits to ensure that the rules established in safety management measures are complied with, and to check whether there are any problems with the rules.

Safety Management Bulletin

We collect the latest information from various medical safety information, disseminate safety management bulletins, etc., and strive to disseminate it.

Manual management

We regularly review and revise safety management manuals to ensure that they are well known.

Safety Initiatives

In recent years, the number of incidents has been on the rise, and the number of incidents with low patient impact levels, such as near-miss incidents, has been increasing. I think this is the development of an important “culture in which everyone reports” in medical safety initiatives.
In-hospital lifesaving training for all staff was conducted 33 times a total of 11 days in FY2023.

Improve ability to respond to sudden changes

Thorough confirmation activities

We are working to improve medical safety at three Yokohama Municipal Hospitals (Municipal Hospital, Stroke and Neurospinal Center, Yokohama city minato Red Cross Hospital).
For more information, please refer to the following page.

Medical safety management training

For all in-hospital staff, we hold training on the theme of general medical safety and training for safe use of infection, pharmaceuticals and medical equipment at least twice a year.

Measures against infection

Table of acceptance results of COVID-19 patients

Infection control is also available in our room. In response to the COVID-19 infection epidemic that began at the end of fiscal 2019, the first priority was to respond to the COVID-19 infection without limiting medical treatment. In August 2020, we established a ward for positive people and accepted patients. Medical professionals, including doctors and nurses, provided smooth medical care, such as appropriate medical treatment, securing therapeutic drugs, and prompt inspection response, while updating knowledge and skills as practitioners at the site.
In addition, we responded in-hospital all-out battles, including administrative departments, such as responding to ambulance guidance and in-hospital transport, and coordinating between hospitals and facilities. Thanks to this, we were able to respond to patient transport from not only neighboring wards but also throughout Yokohama city and outside the city. There were many patients who have been recuperated in the community for a long time, and those with dementia and neurological diseases, taking advantage of our hospital's past achievements. Currently, we are out of the pandemic, but as a public hospital, we will continue to do our best to provide a safe recuperation environment.

Hand sanitization

Image of hand sanitizer

 The priority goal of measures against nosocomial infections in FY2023 is "Thorough hand hygiene." Hand disinfection and hand washing are the basics of infection control, and I think many facilities struggle to improve their compliance rate.
 Alcohol hand hygiene has spread rapidly in the past few years, but I feel that the correct method of hand washing and hand disinfection has not spread enough. I would like to continue to devise so that all in-hospital staff practice the correct hand hygiene method and can be taught to patients, their families, and people around the staff.

Inquiries to this page

Yokohama City Apolexy and Spinal Nerves Center

Phone: 045-753-2500 (Representative)

Phone: 045-753-2500 (Representative)

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Page ID: 385-647-259


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