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Last updated on March 21, 2025.

What is syphilis?

It is a sexually transmitted disease caused by bacterial infection called syphilis Treponema.
It is mainly transmitted by sexual activity, but it can also be transmitted to the throat by oral sex (oral sex) or rarely with kisss.
Some people follow asymptomatic, but it is a systemic disease, and when infected, lymph nodeitis and skin symptoms appear 2-3 weeks later.
Symptoms vary depending on the season.
Not all humans have seasonal symptoms, and some people have symptoms at different times or are asymptomatic.
Even if there are no symptoms, it can infect humans.
Treatment can be completely cured, but without proper treatment, symptoms progress gradually, eventually leading to the central nervous system, leading to death.


"Are you really okay? Syphilis is a familiar disease that sneaks up to everyone."
Full version (approximately 5 minutes)1 minute ver.15 seconds ver.


Main symptoms

・In the genitals and mouth, lumps and pain-free sore from red beans to fingertips are formed.
・A painless and itchy rash spreads throughout the palm, sole, and body.
 In addition, infection remains even if the above symptoms disappear.
・Leaving untreated can cause lesions in multiple organs, such as the heart, blood vessels, and brain, over several years to decades, and sometimes even death.

Symptom progress

Syphilis Phase I                           

Syphilis lip photoSyphilis trunk photo 

Syphilis Phase II

Photo of syphilis hand rash Syphilis oral photo

 Source: Japan Society of Sexually Infectious Diseases


Route of infection

It is mainly transmitted when the mucous membranes and skin come into direct contact with the site that has become lesions due to syphilis infection.
・Sexual contact
 Genitals and genitals, genitals and anus (analysex), genitals and mouth contact (oral sex), etc.
 It is transmitted through mucous membranes and wounds through infected saliva, semen, vaginal secretions, and blood.
・Mother-to-child transmission
 If infected during pregnancy, the mother infects the fetus through the placenta.

Measures against infection

・Safe sexual activity (SAFER SEX)
・Early detection and early treatment
・Standard precautionary measures (Standard precoon)

Points of infection control

Safe sexual activity (SAFER SEX)

・Avoid sexual activity with people infected with syphilis.
・There may be skin symptoms that do not notice syphilis, so make sure that mucous membranes and skin do not come into contact directly.
 Use condoms appropriately from the beginning when sexual activity.
・Avoid sexual activity with an unspecified number of people, as the risk of infection increases.

Early detection and early treatment

・If you are worried about infection, get a test at a public health center.
 In Yokohama City, free and anonymous inspections are conducted at Health and Welfare Center and nighttime inspection sites.
・If you have any worrisome symptoms, consult a nearby medical institution as soon as possible and receive treatment.
・If a partner is infected, it is important to treat it, and it is important to check the infection between partners.

Standard precautionary measures (Standard precoon)

・It is a universally applicable precautionary measure, considering that everyone, regardless of whether they have an infectious disease or not, possesses a propagating pathogen.
・Blood and body fluids (all body fluids such as saliva, pleural fluids, ascites, cerebrospinal fluid, etc.), secretions (excluding sweat), excrement, wounded skin and mucous membranes, etc.
 If there is a risk of exposure, use personal protective equipment.
  When touching → Gloves
  When mucous membranes of the mouth and nose are likely to be contaminated → Mask
  When clothes are likely to get dirty → Gown
  When droplets are likely to be seen → Goggles
  When the mucous membranes of the face, eyes, mouth, and nose are likely to be contaminated → Face shield

If you get a diagnosis at a medical institution

Treatment can be completely cured, so get treatment at the hospital as soon as you know the infection.
Antibiotics such as penicillin are effective, but the treatment content is determined in consideration of the stage.
In the case of oral medication, the duration of taking depends on the progress of the disease, and long-term treatment is required.
Follow your doctor's instructions and be sure to take the medicine until the end of treatment.
In the case of early syphilis within one year of infection, treatment with one injection is possible.
Symptoms of suspected syphilis may disappear without treatment, but be sure to consult a medical institution.



Trends of syphilis patients in Yokohama City in 2024

The number of new syphilis patients in 2024 was the highest ever in Yokohama as well as in Japan.
87.0% of men were in their 20s and 50s, and 44.9% of women were in their 20s. 

Syphilis graph

⇒ Click here for the trends of HIV infected person AIDS patients and syphilis patients in 2024 (PDF: 650KB)

Enlightenment medium

Syphilis rapidly increasing 1Syphilis rapidly increasing 2

2025.3 Do you know syphilis?

Inquiries and consultations regarding infectious diseases

[Between 8:45 and 17:00 on weekdays]
 Please contact Health Promotion Section, Health and Welfare Center, Health and Welfare Division, where you live.

emergency contact number outside Hours regarding infectious diseases

・When the number of patients is increasing rapidly in a short time (2 to 3 hours)
・In cases where there are a large number of cases (more than 10 people)
・[Medical institutions] Contact with notification of patients, etc. based on the Infectious Diseases Law 
In such cases, please contact the emergency call dial for infectious diseases and food poisoning.

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Inquiries to this page

Health and Safety Division, Medical Care Bureau Health and Safety Department

Phone: 045-671-2729

Phone: 045-671-2729

Fax: 045-664-7296

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 507-380-368


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