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About COVID-19 infection

Last updated on December 19, 2024.

Basic Information on COVID-19 infection

  • COVID-19 infection (COVID-19) is a disease caused by the coronavirus called SARS-CoV-2.
  • It is transmitted by inhaling particles that contain small amounts of water, called virus-containing droplets or aerosols, which are excreted from the mouth and nose of infected person during coughing, sneezing or conversation, or by direct contact with the eyes, nose and mouth of infected person.

[Main Symptoms]

  • Systemic symptoms such as sore throat, cough, runny nose and nose, body laxity, fever, and muscle pain often occur.
  • In mild cases, symptoms often relieve within one week after onset.
  • Elderly people, those with underlying illnesses, and some people in late pregnancy are at increased risk of severe illness.
  • Fundamental diseases that are at risk of severe disease include chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), chronic kidney disease, diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, obesity, and smoking.
  • If you are at a high risk of severe illness or have severe symptoms, consult a medical institution.

About infection prevention measures

Please take care to ensure that the individual's independent judgment is respected.

Reference information for judgment (example of effective measures)

Hand hygiene such as hand washing


Avoid three secrets

For those with a high risk of severe illness (elderly people, those with underlying diseases, pregnant women, etc.), it is effective to avoid the following situations during the epidemic season.

  • A place with poor ventilation
  • Congested places where there are an unspecified number of people
  • Close conversation

About putting on and taking off the mask

Wearing a mask is based on individual judgment.
However, be careful in the following cases.

Wear a mask to prevent the spread of infection to people around you.
  • If COVID-19 infection is positive, it is recommended that you refrain from going out because there is a high risk of infecting others for 5 days after onset and for about 24 hours after symptoms are relieved.
  • Until 10 days have passed, wear a mask and take care not to move around.

Understanding for those who have difficulty wearing masks, etc. (Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare website) (external site)

Wearing a mask is effective to protect yourself from infection.

※Depending on the time and situation, such as when the infection is spreading rapidly, or when there are many people at high risk of severe illness, such as medical institutions and facilities for the elderly, infection control measures may be strengthened.


Always have test kits and antipyretic analgesics

About antigen test kit

Type of kit

When purchasing, check the display of the outer box.

[Caution!] The test kits that can be used are "prescription drugs" and "over-the-counter drugs (OTC)" approved by the government.

  • For prescription drugs, there is a label of "Invitro Diagnosis Drug" on the outer box.
  • Over-the-counter drugs have a label of "Class 1 drug" on the outer box.

About ethical drugs "pharmaceuticals for in-vitro diagnostics"

→Click here for more information.
 List of antigen test kit sales pharmacies (Yokohama City Pharmacists Association homepage) (outside site)

About over-the-counter drugs "Class 1 pharmaceuticals"

→It can be purchased on the Internet. Click here for product information.
 Approval information for COVID-19 infection's General Antigen Test Kit (OTC) (Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare website) (external site)

About antipyretic analgesics

In addition, what should be kept at all times

  • Medications I use regularly
  • Long-lasting food (5 to 7 days)
  • Thermometer

When symptoms such as fever appear

  • Please take a self-test with the antigen test kit. If the symptoms are mild, start medical treatment at home.
  • If you are the elderly, have an underlying disease, or have severe symptoms, consult a medical institution such as your GP.
    If you do not have a GP or do not know the medical institution that can be consulted, please contact # 7119 (or TEL 045-232-7119 24 hours a day, seven days a week).
  • There are no restrictions on employment or daily life behavior when infected under the Infectious Diseases Law.

Period during which it is recommended to refrain from going out

  • In particular, since the risk of infecting others is high for 5 days after onset, it is recommended that you refrain from going out for 5 days with the onset date as the 0th day.
  • If symptoms persist on the 5th day, it is recommended that you refrain from going out until the fever drops and symptoms such as sputum and sore throat are relieved and about 24 hours have passed. If you have severe symptoms, consult your doctor.
  • Until 10 days have passed, there is a possibility of virus shedding, so be careful not to pass on to others, such as wearing a nonwoven cloth mask or refraining from contacting high-risk people such as the elderly. If symptoms such as coughing or sneezing continue after 10 days of onset, try to wear cough etiquette, such as wearing a mask.
  • It is recommended that you refrain from going out for 5 days with the onset date as the 0th day (Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare website (outside site)).

About medical expenses

  • From April 1, 2024, we shifted to a normal medical system, and the public expenditure was over. .
  • In accordance with the medical expenses's out-of-pocket ratio, the window will be charged normally.
  • With regard to medical insurance, the high medical costs system has been established for monthly charges (including the cost of therapeutic drugs), and there is no co-payment exceeding the limit according to income.
  • For more information on public expenditures, please see About medical expenses.

About your family and living together

"close contact" is not required to refrain from going out under the law.

  • Please note that if possible, divide the room and take care of the infected family with as few people as possible.
  • If you go out, pay attention to your physical condition for those who have COVID-19 as 0 days, especially for 5 days.
  • It may develop until the 7th day.
  • Please take basic measures against infection such as hand hygiene and ventilation such as hand washing.
  • Consider wearing a non-woven fabric mask and refraining from contacting people with high risk of severe illness, such as the elderly.

If you are unsure whether to call an ambulance

About symptoms after illness

Symptoms after illness, etc.

Symptoms after suffering from COVID-19 infection (so-called sequelae) refer to all symptoms that persist immediately after the disease, symptoms that appear after recovery, and symptoms that occur again after the symptoms disappear.
Typical symptoms include fatigue / malaise, joint pain, muscle pain, cough, sputum, shortness of breath, chest pain, hair loss, memory loss, reduced concentration, headache, depression, smell disorder, taste disorder, palpitations, diarrhea, abdominal pain, sleep disorder, muscle weakness, etc.
≪Reference≫ About symptom after illness of COVID-19 infection (so-called sequelae) (outside site) (Kanagawa homepage)

Where to receive symptoms after an illness

It is said that many postoperative symptoms often improve over time, and in the process, symptomatic treatment according to each symptom may be given. First of all, consult your GP or a local medical institution (primary receiving medical institution) that responds to symptoms after illness.
Please refer to "medical institution corresponding to symptom after illness (homepage of Kanagawa) (outside site)" for medical institution corresponding to symptom after illness.

Support system for continued symptoms after an illness

Public systems may be available when social life is severely restricted due to symptoms after illness. Frequently Asked Questions "Support System for Symptoms after COVID-19 infection Symptoms".

Related links

Inquiries to this page

Health and Safety Division, Medical Care Bureau Health and Safety Department

Phone: 045-671-2463

Phone: 045-671-2463

Fax: 045-664-7296

E-Mail address [email protected]

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