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About measles and wind shin

Measles and rubella are infectious diseases that can be prevented in Vaccinations!

Last updated on January 10, 2024.

To medical institutions <When consulting a measles or rubella patient ...>

If a doctor diagnoses measles or rubella, it is to immediately notify the nearest public health center based on the "Law Concerning the Prevention of Infectious Diseases and Medical Care for Patients with Infectious Diseases".
In addition, if a patient suspected of measles or rubella is consulted even if the diagnosis is not reached, please report it to the public health center immediately before completing medical treatment.
Please refer to the following materials for matters to be implemented at the time of notification and consultation of suspected patients.
※About conduct of measles, wind shin examination diagnosis in Yokohama-shi <January, 2024 revised edition> (PDF: 340KB)

Reporting and Notification of Infectious Diseases


What is measles?

Measles is an infection caused by the measles virus.
It is very infectious and can be transmitted just by being in the same space. In addition, almost 100% of people who do not have immunity become infected. There is no special treatment, and without Vaccinations, there is a risk of complications and illness.

Main symptoms

  • Fever of 38°C or higher
  • Cough, nasal discharge, red eyes
  • Red rash all over the body


If you don't hit Vaccinations, you can cause complications and can kill you.
Complications are said to occur in about 30% of the total, of which pneumonia and encephalitis are a major cause of death from measles.

Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (SSPE)

It is very rare (one in 100,000 people), but develops 5 to 10 years after measles. Once you have measles, you will be able to see initial symptoms such as forgetfulness, and you will gradually be able to see intelligence and motor disorders.

Route of infection

Measles is transmitted by air, droplet, and contact infection.
※Because it is airborne, it can be transmitted just by being in the same space, or just passing each other.
 It has the ability to infect people around you from one day before symptoms such as fever and cough appear to three days after fever has resolved.

Points for measures against measles

Vaccinations is the most effective way to prevent measles. Routine vaccinations are available in Japan, so get vaccinations at the appropriate time.
Also, make sure you have enough Vaccinations history and antibody titers.

  • The infection is likely to spread when traveling abroad, living in a dormitory, or living in a group, so make sure you have an appropriate number of measles Vaccinations and have sufficient measles antibody titers.
  • A blood test (antibody titer test) to check if the measles antibody titer is sufficient can be taken at a medical institution (own expense).
  • For those with weak immunity, such as those engaged in medical institutions, social welfare facilities, childcare and educational facilities, or those who have a lot of contact with children, make sure that Vaccinations and measles antibody titers are sufficient to prevent the spread of infection and cause serious illness.

Wind shin

What is Rubella?

Rubella is an infectious disease caused by the rubella virus.
When a pregnant woman becomes infected, it can infect the baby in the tummy and develop congenital rubella syndrome (CRS). Rubella has a wide range of symptoms, from subclinical infections (asymptomatic infections) to serious complications, and even if it is asymptomatic, it is necessary to be careful not to infect pregnant women in particular.
Also, as a characteristic of the epidemic, the infection tends to spread in certain ages (*) when there was no public opportunity to be vaccinated in the past.
(※) Those of a certain age who did not have the opportunity to receive a public vaccination in the past can receive a rubella antibody test and a Vaccinations free of charge in principle. (Fifth Periodic Inoculation)
For detailed information, see the following.

Main symptoms

  • The whole body
  • Swollen lymph nodes
  • Fever

  Especially in adults, the period of fever and rash may be longer than in children and may become more severe.


Symptoms of rubella are relatively mild in children, but rarely complications such as encephalitis and thrombocytopenic purpura occur.

Congenital Rubella Syndrome (CRS)

When a woman without immunity suffers from rubella especially early in pregnancy, the rubella virus can infect the fetus and cause a disorder called congenital rubellasyndrome (CRS) in offspring.

  • There are mainly three symptoms: cataract, heart disease, and hearing loss.
  • Congenital rubella syndrome (CRS) may develop in the case of rubella, even if the mother is asymptomatic during pregnancy.

Congenital rubella syndrome can cause the rubella virus to continue for a long period of time (more than one year) after birth, and care must be taken to prevent infection. If there are pregnant women around you, be careful not to get rubella.

Route of infection

Rubella is transmitted by droplet infection and contact infection, and during pregnancy, the fetus is transmitted by transplacental infection.
About a week before and after the rash appears, it can infect humans.

Key points for wind shin measures

Vaccinations is the most effective way to prevent rubella and routine immunization is available in Japan.
To prevent congenital rubella syndrome (CRS), get a Vaccinations or antibody titer test to prevent infect pregnant women around you.
In Yokohama City, in principle, free tests (antibody titer tests) are conducted for the following subjects, such as women and living together families who are in the first grade of junior high school and above, to check for sufficient rubella antibodies (antibody titer tests). I am. We also support a portion of the cost of Vaccinations.

  • Women wishing to become pregnant
  • Partners of women wishing to become pregnant and living together family
  • Pregnant women's partners and living together family

For detailed information, see "the Yokohama-shi rubella measures business".

How to prevent measles and rubella?

It is important to immunize measles and rubella by receiving vaccinations. Those who fall under the following can receive the vaccination free of charge as routine immunization. If you are eligible for the following routine immunizations, get a vaccination.

  • (1st term) We inoculate measles-like shin mixture (MR) vaccine from 1 year to 2 years old. Let's get vaccinated as soon as you turn one year old.
  • (2nd term) Get a second vaccination during the year before entering elementary school.                                          For those who are eligible for the second phase of routine immunization "Do you have two measles-like shin Vaccinations?" (2024 version) (PDF: 670KB)

Vaccination recommendation handbill "Do you know measles wind shin?" (PDF: 871KB)
                    "Do you know measles-like shin?" (Easy Japanese) (PDF: 780KB)
For more information, please refer to "About measles-style shin Vaccinations."

What if you come into contact with a measles or rubella patient?

In the unlikely event that symptoms such as measles or rubella appear, contact a medical institution before consulting and follow the instructions of the medical institution.

  • Tell the medical institution by telephone, etc. that you are a contact with measles or rubella patients, have traveled abroad, symptoms, etc.
  • Please check with your medical institution for details.

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