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- 3rd Konan Himawari Plan (3rd Konan Ward Community Welfare and Health Plan)
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3rd Konan Himawari Plan (3rd Konan Ward Community Welfare and Health Plan)
Last updated on August 9, 2024.
What is the 3rd Konan Himawari Plan (Konan Ward Community Welfare and Health Plan)?
Inhabitants of a ward, activity group, administration cooperate and aim at enhancement of relations that can support each other in area so that anyone can live in peace in area where they live, and improve the area together It is a plan to go. In plan of five years from 2016 to 2020, there is "ward plan" showing approach for problem of the whole ward and "plan according to district" showing approach to characteristic every district.
3rd Konan Himawari Plan (Konan Ward Community Welfare and Health Plan)
Whole version
The 3rd Konan Sunflower Plan Booklet (PDF: 98,035KB)
Split version
Cover (PDF: 1,363KB)
Greetings, Table of Contents (PDF: 2,236KB)
What is Konan Sunflower Plan (2-3 pages) (PDF: 1,034KB)
Aim for the Third Plan (pages 4-5) (PDF: 566KB)
Theme common to ward planning (pages 6-21) (PDF: 8,862KB)
Themes by field (pages 22 to 38) (PDF: 13,185KB)
Plans by district Kamiooka, Okubo Noto, Sasashita, Kusaka, Hino (pages 39-60) (PDF: 15,732KB)
Hino Daiichi, Konandai, Nagano, Noba housing complex, Noba Housing (pages 61-80) (PDF: 17,608KB)
Shimonagaya, Nagatani, Serigaya, Higiri, Hinominami (pages 81-101) (PDF: 15,370KB)
In order to advance the third plan (pages 102-103) (PDF: 655KB)
Background of the formulation of the third plan (pages 104-107) (PDF: 1,278KB)
Until the third plan is completed (pages 108-111) (PDF: 1,148KB)
To realize the thought of "I wish I could become such a town" (pages 112-113) (PDF: 892KB)
Text version
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