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About place to stay after school

Last updated on April 1, 2024.

What is an after-school facility?

After-school kids club, special needs schools are Mako Fureai School, List of After-School Care Program Clubs

  Please see this page for confirmation of contact information of each facility and management entity.
  We publish "after school MAP2024" which we distribute in ward office.

After school kids club

This is a project that utilizes elementary school facilities after school.
①The purpose of this program is to provide free “playground” to all children, and to provide “lifeplace” to elementary school student, who is away from home.
It was started in 2004 and was installed in all elementary schools in Motoichi in 2020.
Available dates and times vary depending on the usage category.
About use category
Use categoryCategory 1 (Wakuwaku)Category 2A (Sukusuku-Yuke)Category 2B (Sukusuku-Hoshizora)
Opening hours

Weekday After school~16:00
Saturday: None
School holidays: 2 hours a day (available in either morning or afternoon) ※Summer holidays are only in the morning.

Weekday After school~17:00
Saturday: From 8:30 to 17:00
School holidays: From 8:00 to 17:00

Weekday After school~19:00
Saturday: From 8:30 to 19:00
School holidays: From 8:00 to 19:00

Usage fees

Free of charge
※For use after 16:00, 800 yen/time

2,000 yen/month
(2,500 yen/month for July and August only)
※For use after 17:00, 400 yen/time

5,000 yen/month
(5,500 yen/month for July and August only)

Premiums800 yen or less per year (depending on the club)

In addition to the above, there is a burden equivalent to the actual cost for snacks and event participation fees.
Briefings for new students will be held on the same day or before or after the school entrance briefing.
To apply for use, please apply directly to each facility.

※For more information, please visit the City of Yokohama, Child and Youth Bureau website.

Special support school is Mako Fureai School

After school, use the school facilities that you are accustomed to to, promote the creation of safe and healthy after-school places to stay, and nurture children's creativity, independence, sociality, etc. through play and exchange between children of different ages. We carry out for the purpose.
Please refer to Hamako contact school directly for opening hours and charges.  

※For more information, please visit the City of Yokohama, Child and Youth Bureau website (Mako Fureai School for Special Needs School).

After-School Care Program Clubs

After school, with the understanding and cooperation of the local community, the program aims to provide the target elementary school student with appropriate opportunities for play and living, and to foster healthy development.
Opening hours and fees
Opening hours

Weekday After school-after 19:00
Saturday, school holidays, etc.: Before 9:00 to after 19:00
※Opening hours vary depending on the club.

Usage feesYokohama City average: 17,100 yen/month (separate, actual expenses such as snacks)

For briefings for new students and applications for use, please contact each facility directly.

※For more information, please visit the City of Yokohama, Child and Youth Bureau website (After-School Care Program Clubs).

Konandai Lively Play Park

It is a playground / place where children can nurture their independence and adventure through activities that are difficult to do on a daily basis, such as climbing trees and playing mud, and grow lively.
In Yokohama City, we support the activities of play parks, which are led by local people, while sharing roles.
※For more information, please visit the City of Yokohama, Child and Youth Bureau website (play and support at Play Park).

Inquiries to this page

Konan Ward Health and Welfare Center Children and Families Support Division School Cooperation and Children

Phone: 045-847-8393

Phone: 045-847-8393

Fax: 045-842-0813

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 557-154-849

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