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- Konan Ward Top Page
- Ward Administration Information
- Statistics and Surveys
- Statistics and Surveys
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Statistics and Surveys
!Please be careful about the "Katari Survey"! "Darkness surveys" have been occurring nationwide, such as by displaying and explaining misleading personal information from households, etc., as if it were a statistical survey conducted by administrative agencies, such as the census. Statistical investigators always carry an "investigator's card". Also, we don't suddenly ask the contents of the survey over the phone. If you receive a phone call that seems to be "study investigation", please contact Konan Ward General Affairs Division Statistics and Elections Section below.
Last updated on February 10, 2025.
- About 2024 National Structural Survey
- About 2023 Housing and Land Statistics Survey
- About the 2022 Basic Survey on Employment Structure
- Statistics and Data
The “2024 National Structural Survey” was conducted with the survey period of October and November 2024.
This survey is an important national statistical survey conducted every five years from 1959 based on the Statistical Law, and this 14th survey was targeted at approximately 90,000 households nationwide. Was.
The results of the survey will be used in important policies such as the pension amount of National Pension Plan (Kokumin Nenkin) and Employee Pension Plan (Kosei Nenkin) and the Long-term Care Insurance Premium calculation standard.
The Housing and Land Statistics Survey is an important national statistical survey that has been conducted every five years since 1948 based on the Statistical Law. Was.
The results of the survey are widely used, such as setting performance indicators for the “Basic Plan for Living Life” in the national and local governments, formulating urban planning centered on earthquake resistance and disaster prevention, and enacting ordinances for measures against unoccupied houses.
Thank you very much for your cooperation in the 2022 Basic Survey on Employment Structure, targeting households randomly selected from households living in Japan.
The results of the survey will be used as basic data for basic policy decisions in the country, and will be used for various measures such as employment measures in local governments.
Past census
The 2020 National Census Report has been published.
About result of other census, please see "Yokohama-shi statistics portal site".
For details on the 2020 census, please see the website (outside site) of the Statistics Bureau, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (outside site).
Other major statistical surveys
In addition to the census, we conduct various statistical surveys.
About statistical researcher
A person who actually visits and conducts a survey in a survey activity is called a statistical researcher.
Each time a survey is conducted, it is a part-time public servant appointed for a fixed period, and always carries an "investigator's card" with a photo during the survey activities.
Statistical investigators are public servants during the appointment period, so they are obliged to keep confidentiality. Therefore, it is forbidden to talk to others about the information obtained through research activities.
The main job of a statistical researcher is to visit the surveyed people (households, offices, companies, shops, etc.) to distribute the questionnaire, and to fill out the questionnaire correctly. It is to explain the purpose and contents, and to collect the questionnaire filled out at a later date.
Yokohama City has established a permanent statistical researcher system, and about 50 people are registered as permanent statistical researchers in Konan Ward. For inquiries about permanent statistics investigators, please contact General Affairs Division Statistics and Elections Section.
The data of Konan Ward can be found at the link below (Yokohama City Statistical Information Portal).
- Population and household statistics (population by town, number of households, foreign population, etc.)
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Inquiries to this page
Konan Ward General Affairs Division Statistics and Elections Section (56th floor on the 5th floor of the ward office)
Phone: 045-847-8308
Phone: 045-847-8308
Fax: 045-841-7030
E-Mail address [email protected]
Page ID: 693-379-953