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- Vegetable direct sales party
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Vegetable direct sales party
Last updated on January 27, 2025.
Direct sales of vegetables from Konan Ward
The aim of promoting the locally grown and consumed and creating connections between farmers and residents.
We hold a direct sales event for vegetables grown in Konan Ward.
At the direct sale of Konan Ward vegetables, there are also fresh vegetables and fruits harvested that morning.
This year, we will continue to hold the event at Konan Public Association Domae Square.
Why don't you introduce the eco-friendly locally grown and consumed while enjoying the local season?
Reiwa 6 (2024) Autumn Direct Sales Party
In the fall of 2024, a total of eight meetings were held from November 20 to December 18.
Fresh winter vegetables were lined up again this year. There were rare vegetables such as Lome Inlettuce and Stick Senol, as well as various kinds of vegetables such as familiar Chinese cabbage, radish, turnip, and green onions. In some cases, farmers were taught how to eat deliciously.
Fruits such as mandarin oranges, lemons and persimmons were also lined up.
Thank you very much for visiting us during the cold weather. This year's direct sales event will end.
We look forward to your visit next year.
Report on the results of vegetable intake diagnosis (vegemeter)
On Wednesday, December 4, a vegetable intake diagnosis was conducted with a "vegemeter" that can easily quantify the status of vegetable intake. 49 people participated.
The average value for Japanese vegetables is 343, while the average value for Japanese people is 472. We found that everyone who came to the direct sales party was able to consume more vegetables than the average value on a daily basis. The highest price was 883.
We hope that the diagnosis of vegetable intake using "vejimeta" will help improve your diet.
Reiwa 6 (2024) Summer Direct Sales Party
In summer, a total of nine meetings were held from July 10 to August 7.
This year, fresh summer vegetables such as tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, and eggplants were lined up.
It was very hot this year and I was worried about growing vegetables, but I was also worried about the growth of vegetables.
Every time, a variety of vegetables were lined up, and every vegetable was very fresh.
I was able to tell you how to eat deliciously from the farmers.
It was very popular every time, and some customers came many times.
Many people came before the start time, and there were times when a long line was formed.
The next direct sales event is scheduled to be held from November to December 2024. Please look forward to it.
Report on the results of vegetable intake diagnosis (vegemeter)
A vegetable intake diagnosis was conducted with a "vegemeter" that can easily quantify the vegetable intake status. In two days, 109 people participated.
The average Japanese vege score for vegetable intake was 343, but the average for the two days this time was 404. The inhabitants of the ward who came to the direct sales party found that they were able to consume more than the average value on a daily basis. The highest price was 771.
We hope that the diagnosis of vegetable intake using "vejimeta" will help improve your diet.
What is a Vegimator?
The vedimeter measures the level of skin carotenoids by applying LED light to the fingertips.
It is abundant in vegetables and fruits.
By measuring only "carotenoids (carotene, lycopene, lutein, etc.)"
You can score the intake status of vegetables and fruits from 0 to 1200.
(Refer to Altec Corporation)
Up to now Direct Sales
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Page ID: 935-422-126