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- 50th Anniversary of Konan Ward System
- Sign language video "Love full of love @ hometown Konan"
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Sign language video "Love full of love @ hometown Konan"
I tried to express the basic theme of the project commemorating the 50th anniversary of the Konan ward system in sign language. Please use it!
Last updated on July 29, 2019.
Explanation of operation and meaning included
1 "Love"
Put your left hand into goo, place it in front of your left chest, and scrubbed two laps on your right hand flat.
[Meaning included in sign language]
The sign language in the "love" part contains the image of supporting, helping, protecting, talking, and building a society where all "importance of life" can live together.
2 “Full”
In front of your body, draw a large circle from top to bottom.
[Meaning included in sign language]
There are various ways to express the sign language of "full", but we use sign language that represents "all" including the meaning of "love" mentioned above.
3 "Hometown"
①Hold both fists, stretch your elbows, move the left fist to the left, and the right fist twice at the same time.
②Then, turn your right palm down and stretch it out like an arc from the chest to the height of the navel forward.
[Meaning included in sign language]
"Hometown" is usually expressed in sign language, which means "be born and raised," but here, based on the image of "a place where we will continue to live in the future" and "living in the future of Konan Ward," we used the expressions 1 "do our best" and 2 "in this place." Some have moved to Konan Ward and some have been born and raised here all the time. And it is meant to make you want to live forever in the bright and gentle Konan Ward like sunflowers.
4 “Konan”
①Use the thumb and forefinger of both hands to make a rectangular (width is about the shoulder width) in front of the body and at the height of the navel.
②After that, I will look up at the fan with my right hand.
[Meaning included in sign language]
"Konan" in "Konan" is represented by "place name sign language". ①Sign language that means "port" and sign language that expresses 2 "south" (= fan ⇒ hot ⇒ south).
5 "Ni"
①Hold the thumb and forefinger of both hands down in front of the chest. (In that case, the other three fingers are stretched straight.)
②Stretch your arm into the front of your body.
[Meaning included in sign language]
"Ni" means living in Konan Ward for a long time, and is expressed in the expression "every time" or "continue". It also includes the meaning of connecting to the future of Konan Ward.
Inquiries to this page
Konan Ward General Affairs Department Ward Administration Promotion Division
Phone: 045-847-8321
Phone: 045-847-8321
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Page ID: 128-210-735