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About Yokohama Municipal High School

Last updated on June 20, 2024.

Introduction of Yokohama City High School

Yokohama Municipal High School has 10 courses and 10 courses at 9 schools, each of which carries out distinctive education.

Municipal high school introduction brochure (PDF: 4,389KB)

List of Yokohama Municipal High Schools

About specific approach of Yokohama municipal high school, we introduce in detail on homepage of each school.

List of Yokohama Municipal High Schools
School name and homepageCourseDepartmentLocation:Year of Founding
Kanazawa High School (outside site)Full-time systemGeneral DepartmentKanazawa Ward1951
Sakuragaoka High School (outside site)Full-time systemGeneral DepartmentHodogaya Ward1926
Tozuka High School (outside site)Full-time systemGeneral course (general course)
Ordinary course (music course)
Totsuka Ward1928
Higashi High School (outside site)Full-time systemGeneral DepartmentTsurumi Ward1963
Minami High School (outside site)Full-time systemGeneral DepartmentKonan Ward1954
Yokohama Science Frontier High School (outside site)Full-time systemScience and MathematicsTsurumi Ward2009
Yokohama Commercial High School (outside site)Full-time systemCommercial Department
Department of International Studies
Sports Management Department
Minami Ward1882
Minato General High School (outside site)Full-time systemGeneral DepartmentNaka Ward2002
Yokohama Sogo High School (outside site)night class/night schoolGeneral DepartmentMinami Ward2002
Tozuka High School night class/night school (outside site)night class/night schoolGeneral DepartmentTotsuka Ward1948
Yokohama Commercial High School Special Course (outside site)Barber Department
Beauty department
Isogo Ward1949

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Phone: 045-671-3272

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