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About school evaluation

Last updated on September 12, 2024.

1.Purpose of School Evaluation

At Yokohama Municipal High School and affiliated junior high schools, the purpose is to systematically and continuously improve educational activities and other school management, create schools through cooperation between schools, homes and communities, and provide appropriate support by the Board of Education. We carry out school evaluation for the purpose.
From fiscal 2023, we will actively utilize the School Management Council, which has the character of a third-party evaluation, and each school will implement a PDCA cycle that links the medium-term school management policy with school evaluation more effectively. We are promoting curriculum management and working to improve school management systematically and continuously.

2.School evaluation of each school

Please refer to the following website for the school evaluation of each school.

3.Results of Third-Party Evaluation

Please refer to the following PDF for the results of the third-party evaluation so far.

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Inquiries to this page

High School Education Division, School Education Planning Department, Board of Education Secretariat

Phone: 045-671-3272

Phone: 045-671-3272

Fax: 045-640-1866

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 548-897-803


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