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About "teacher training course" at Yokohama Municipal High School

Last updated on February 5, 2024.

As one of the new features of municipal high schools, we established a "teacher training course" in April 2023 to connect the dreams of students who want to become teachers to the future.

Teacher Training Course

<Characteristics of the course>
[base school (Sakuragaoka High School)]
・We will recruit students after enrollment.
・You do not organize classes like a specialized department, but you can take courses in teacher training courses in addition to the learning content of the general department and earn credits.
・A certificate of completion will be issued. (There are conditions)
・It is also possible to achieve a balance with club activities.

Sakuragaoka High School Teacher Training Course Introduction Flyer (PDF: 996KB)
Sakuragaoka High School Teacher Training Course Installation Basic Plan (PDF: 89KB)


[Other than base schools (municipal high schools other than Sakuragaoka High School)]
・You will have the opportunity to participate in teacher training courses conducted by the base school.

[Reference] Other information for high school and university students

The following is a link to the Yokohama City homepage (Board of Education Secretariat Teachers and Staff Development Division), which contains information for high school students.

For high school and university students interested in the profession of "teachers" (homepage)

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Inquiries to this page

High School Education Division, School Education Planning Department, Board of Education Secretariat

Phone: 045-671-3272

Phone: 045-671-3272

Fax: 045-640-1866

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 408-005-249


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