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About child abuse measures of Yokohama-shi

Last updated on October 24, 2024.

In Motoichi, in response to the death case that occurred in December 2009 and the serious case that occurred in July 2010, in September 2010, the "Child Abuse Countermeasures Project" crossed the bureau ward was set up. , Was considered. In the project, we discussed issues and issues of child abuse, and summarized the results into eight measures.

Five Perspectives for Child Abuse Countermeasures

To protect the lives and dignity of children

  1. Response to abuse promptly and appropriately
  2. Prevention of recurrence of abuse
  3. Stop the transition to abuse
  4. Prevention of abuse
  5. Organizational response to abuse

We considered countermeasures from five perspectives.

3 child-rearing groups and necessary support

The state of child care

  1. Healthy Development Group
  2. Child-rearing anxiety and high-risk groups
  3. Abusive class

After classifying it into three layers, we shared the common understanding that it was necessary to provide necessary support to each layer so that healthy child care could be carried out with peace of mind.

8 Measures

  1. Enhancement of support measures: We protect child's safety by enriching support measures such as ward or nursery school.
  2. Development and strengthening of the system: We will strengthen the system to promote measures, including wards, children's guidance office and schools, which play a central role in providing support.
  3. Strengthening organizational response: We will set and clarify rules for organizational responses, such as revising manuals and clarifying the roles of the ward and children's guidance office.
  4. Human resource development: In addition to strengthening the expertise of the ward and children's guidance office, we will review and enhance training at related organizations.
  5. Strengthen cooperation among related organizations: We will strengthen cooperation between related organizations, such as the maintenance of coordination meetings for information sharing and the creation of "shared ranks" that indicate the degree of abuse.
  6. Promotion of social care: We will strengthen the system to support elementary school student socially through the development of nursing homes for elementary school student.
  7. Strengthening public relations awareness: We perform enlightenment such as enlightenment in municipal bus or station so that citizen can see more.
  8. Promotion of local child care support projects: In order to reduce childcare anxiety, we will maintain local child care support bases.

Inquiries to this page

Child and Youth Bureau Children's Rights Protection Division Child Abuse and DV Countermeasure Section

Phone: 045-671-4288

Phone: 045-671-4288

Fax: 045-550-3948

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 360-785-318


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