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- About conduct of situation confirmation of infants who have not received medical examination, preschool children, preschool children, etc.
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About conduct of situation confirmation of infants who have not received medical examination, preschool children, preschool children, etc.
Last updated on October 10, 2024.
Purpose of the survey
In order to respond to the fact that a 5-year-old girl who occurred in Meguro-ku, Tokyo in March 2018 died of abuse and the increasing number of child abuse, "Emergency comprehensive measures to strengthen child abuse prevention measures" Was decided at the "Related Ministerial Meeting on Child Abuse Prevention Measures".
In response to this, the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare issued "Emergency Comprehensive Measures for Strengthening Measures to Prevent Child Abuse" (No. 0720, issued on July 20, 2018), stating that "Emergency Understanding of Infant Health Examinations" will be implemented.
About this grasp investigation, "about conduct of emergency grasp of infants medical examination unexamined, preschool child, preschool child" (from child family on July 20, 2018, No. 0720 No. 3) was shown, municipalities and related organizations It has been decided to confirm the safety of all children whose safety cannot be confirmed. In Yokohama City, we confirm as investigation of Article 10 Clause 1 first and third of the Child Welfare Law.
Excerpt of related laws and regulations (PDF: 207KB)
- Article 10, Paragraph 1, Item 1 and Item 3 of the Child Welfare Law
- Article 13-4 of the Act on Prevention of Child Abuse, etc.
- Article 34, Paragraph 3 of the the Law of the Basic Resident Registers
FY2020 (Notice of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare) (PDF: 233KB)
Implementation of status confirmation of infant health checkups, preschoolers, preschoolers, etc. (September 30, 2020, Child Family No. 0930 No. 1)
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