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  1. Yokohama-shi Top Page
  2. Child care, education
  3. Parent-Child Health and Welfare
  4. Measures against child abuse
  5. Yokohama City Ordinance to protect children from abuse

Last updated on October 10, 2024.

The text is from here.

Yokohama City Ordinance to protect children from abuse

October 5, 2021 "the regulations to protect Yokohama-shi child from abuse" were revised!

The "Yokohama City Ordinance to Protect Children from Abuse" aims to be a city that is kind to children, and all citizens work together to support children and families with the power of the community so that children will never be crueled and hurt. It was established on June 5, 2014 by member of the Diet proposal to build environment and came into effect on November 5, 2014.
This ordinance sets out the basic philosophy for protecting children from abuse, sets out basic matters for prevention and early detection of abuse, protection of abused children, and other measures to protect children from abuse. The purpose is to comprehensively promote measures to protect children from abuse and contribute to the healthy growth of children's mind and body.
Seven years have passed since the enactment of this Ordinance, and the status of responding to child abuse over Motoichi has also changed, and the revision of the Child Welfare Law in 2016, the revision of the Child Abuse Prevention Law in 2019 Based on the above, we revised some of this Ordinance, focusing on the responsibilities of the city, citizens, and parents, including the basic philosophy of this Ordinance, with the aim of protecting children's rights throughout the entire city and promoting efforts to prevent abuse.
In addition to not being abused when raising children, parents have added content that does not engage in acts that hurt the child's mind, such as corporal punishment, and that supports child care that does not do corporal punishment for parents as a whole. .

"Let's protect the rights of children! STOP! Child Abuse "Leaflet

It is a leaflet to deepen the understanding of prevention of abuse and provide information (notification) from related organizations and local residents.

Ordinance leaflet

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