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Certificates related to fixed assets

Last updated on March 10, 2025.

List of certificates related to fixed assets

Certification and Major Uses
Name Main Applications

Current year certification
Acquisition location


Evaluation certificate

(Fixed Asset Tax Ledger)

 Certificate of Registration Items

Real estate registration application and
Intermediation contracts or sales contracts for land and houses

Application for loans from financial institutions, etc.

Ward office Tax Division
Administrative service corner (Note 1)

Land: 300 yen per brush
House: 300 yen per ledger

Property certificate

(Fixed Asset Tax Ledger)

 Certificate of Registration Items

Confirmation of owners, etc.

Ward office Tax Division
Administrative service corner (Note 1)

Land: 300 yen per brush
House: 300 yen per ledger

Price Certificate

(Fixed Asset Tax Ledger)

 Certificate of Registration Items

Calculation of the price of the lawsuit when filing an action, etc.

Ward office Tax Division
Administrative service corner (Note 1)

Land: 300 yen per brush
House: 300 yen per ledger

Public dues certificate

(Fixed Asset Tax Ledger)

 Certificate of Registration Items

Requests for civil execution, etc.

Ward office Tax Division
Administrative service corner (Note 1)

Land: 300 yen per brush
House: 300 yen per ledger

Tax certificate Tax filing, etc.

Of the ward where the assets are located
Ward office Tax Division

300 yen per sheet

Land and House Comprehensive Name Book

Certificate of Registration Items

Income tax declaration
Reference materials at the time of inheritance

Of the ward where the assets are located
Ward office Tax Division

300 yen per sheet
Tax exemption certificate

Real estate registration, sales, etc. (Private Road, etc.)

Of the ward where the assets are located
Ward office Tax Division
(Note 2)

Land: 300 yen per brush
House: 300 yen per ledger

Residential house certificate

(Undered housing)

To receive registration license tax reduction measures
Applicable to existing houses with certain requirements

Of the ward where the assets are located
Ward office Tax Division

1,300 yen per case

In addition, there are certificates that there are no registered items in the ward.

For more information, please contact your local ward office Tax Division (Land Section, House Manager).

Proofs for past years will be handled at the ward office of the ward where the assets are located.
Certificates are not available at the City Hall.
For proof of fixed assets (depreciable assets), please see the page on how to use the fixed asset certification application form (for depreciable assets).

(Note 1) The Administrative Services Corner will only handle requests from taxpayers, relatives of living together (resident certificate Kami-same household), taxpayers, and heirs.
(Note 2) Only tax exemption proof for the current year of land can be obtained at the ward office Tax Division.

Those who can request certification and required documents

Those who can request certification and required documents
Those who can request certification required documents


living together relatives (resident certificate Kami-same household)


Identity verification document with face photo issued by the public office (Note 1)
(driver's license, passport, my number card, etc.)


Identity verification document with face photo issued by public office (Note 1),
Power of Attorney


Identity verification document with face photo issued by public office (Note 1),
・In the case of legal inheritance
 certificate of family register (Note 2) or a list of legal inheritance information (Note 3)
・In case of inheritance division consultation
 certificate of family register (Note 2) + Legal division consultation + Seal Registration Certificate (Note 3)
・In the case of a will
In heritance relationship certificate of family register (Note 2) + will


Certificate application stamped with the representative of the corporation
Or a power of attorney stamped with the representative of the corporation;
・When the representative of the corporation applies
 Identity verification document with face photo issued by the public office
・When an employee of the corporation applies
 Identity verification document with face photo issued by public office (Note 1),
 Employee ID, etc. with the name of the corporation and the first and last names of the employees.

Leaseholders and tenants

(Proof of registered items for fixed asset tax register only)

Identity verification document with face photo issued by public office (Note 1),
Documents that can confirm leased land

After January 2 (after the due date)
Purchaser of fixed assets in the event of purchase or sale
(Proof of registered items for fixed asset tax register only)

Identity verification document with face photo issued by public office (Note 1),
Those that can confirm that ownership has been transferred
 ・Certificate of entry
 ・Receipt of sales contract + final price 

After January 2 (after the due date)
Purchasers of fixed assets in the event of an auction
(Proof of registered items for fixed asset tax register only)

Identity verification document with face photo issued by public office (Note 1),
Notice of payment deadline (cannot be accepted with a certified copy of the sale permission decision)

(Note 1) If you do not have a photo, you will need two types (such as a tax notice and a employee health insurance qualification confirmation or health insurance card).

(Note 2) If you have a My Number Card, you can obtain certificate of family register (except for expulsion certificates) and Seal Registration Certificate using multi-copy machines installed at convenience stores. For details, please refer to "About convenience store delivery service".

(Note 3) The heir submits To partial copy of nullified family register, etc. to the registry office (legal bureau) and submits a diagram showing the inheritance relationship (legal inheritance information list), and the registrar attaches a certificate to the list. A copy will be issued. For details, please refer to the Legal Affairs Bureau website (outside site).

Those who can request certification at the administrative service corner

  • Taxpayer
  • living together relatives (resident certificate Kami-same household)
  • Taxpayer
  • Heir

Certification of assets under the name of a corporation will be accepted as a principal application by seal, the representative of the corporation on the application form.
For required documents, please check with the person who can request certification and required documents.

Those who bring power of attorney and those who acquired real estate after January 2 (after the due date) will be handled only at the Tax Divisionproxy/agent office.

Application for Certification of Fixed Assets

Evaluation certificate (certificate of registration of fixed asset tax book)

Main Applications

Application for registration of transfer of ownership by buying and selling real estate, brokerage contracts or sales contracts for land and houses, loan applications for financial institutions, etc.

Contents of the certificate

Owner, location, land type / land area (land), type / structure / floor area (house), price (valuation value), standard tax amount, etc. of fixed assets

Those who can request a certificate

It is issued to the owners of fixed assets or their proxy/agent, etc.

Type of certificate and certification fee

Type of evaluation certificate and certification fee
Land House
300 yen per brush 300 yen per ledger

Where a certificate can be obtained

The latest fiscal year can be obtained at the ward office Tax Division window in the city.
In addition, when request by mail or certificate for past years is necessary, it will be handled at the ward office of the ward where fixed assets are located.

You can also get a certificate at all administrative service corners in the city. (It cannot be issued immediately depending on the time, etc.)
The Administrative Service Corner will only handle requests from the taxpayer, the taxpayer's living together relatives (resident certificate Kami-same household), the taxpayer, and the heir. (If you are in proxy/agent with a power of attorney or have acquired real estate after January 2 (after the due date), you will be handled only at the ward office Tax Division window.)

Property certificate (certificate of registration of fixed asset tax book)

Main Applications

Confirmation of owners, etc.

Contents of the certificate

Owner, location, land type and land area (land), type, structure, floor area (house), etc. of fixed assets
※There is no description of price, etc.

Those who can request a certificate

Anyone can get it. However, this excludes unregistered properties.

Those who can request a certificate of an unregistered property…

It is issued to the owners of fixed assets or their proxy/agent, etc.

Type of certificate and certification fee

Type of property certificate and certification fee
Land House
300 yen per brush 300 yen per ledger

Where a certificate can be obtained

The latest fiscal year can be obtained at the ward office Tax Division window in the city.
In addition, when request by mail or certificate for past years is necessary, it will be handled at the ward office of the ward where fixed assets are located.

You can also get a certificate at all administrative service corners in the city. (It cannot be issued immediately depending on the time, etc.)
The Administrative Service Corner will only handle requests from the taxpayer, the taxpayer's living together relatives (resident certificate Kami-same household), the taxpayer, and the heir. (If you are in proxy/agent with a power of attorney or have acquired real estate after January 2 (after the due date), you will be handled only at the ward office Tax Division window.)

Price certificate (certificate of registration of fixed asset tax book)

Main Applications

Calculation of the value of the lawsuit when filing an action, etc.

Contents of the certificate

Owner, location, land type / land area (land), type / structure / floor area (house), price (valuation value) of fixed assets, etc.

Those who can request a certificate

It is issued to the owners of fixed assets or their proxy/agent, etc.

Type of certificate and certification fee

Type of price certificate and certification fee
Land House
300 yen per brush 300 yen per ledger

Where a certificate can be obtained

The latest fiscal year can be obtained at the ward office Tax Division window in the city.
In addition, when request by mail or certificate for past years is necessary, it will be handled at the ward office of the ward where fixed assets are located.

You can also get a certificate at all administrative service corners in the city. (It cannot be issued immediately depending on the time, etc.)
The Administrative Service Corner will only handle requests from the taxpayer, the taxpayer's living together relatives (resident certificate Kami-same household), the taxpayer, and the heir. (If you are in proxy/agent with a power of attorney or have acquired real estate after January 2 (after the due date), you will be handled only at the ward office Tax Division window.)

Public dues certificate (certificate of registration of fixed asset tax book)

Main Applications

Claims for civil execution, etc.

Contents of the certificate

Owner, location, land type / land area (land), type / structure / floor area (house), price (valuation value), tax equivalent for each asset, etc.

Those who can request a certificate

It is issued to the owners of fixed assets or their proxy/agent, etc.

Type of certificate and certification fee

Type of public dues certificate and certification fee
Land House
300 yen per brush 300 yen per ledger

Where a certificate can be obtained

The latest fiscal year can be obtained at the ward office Tax Division window in the city.
In addition, when request by mail or certificate for past years is necessary, it will be handled at the ward office of the ward where fixed assets are located.

You can also get a certificate at all administrative service corners in the city. (It cannot be issued immediately depending on the time, etc.)
The Administrative Service Corner will only handle requests from the taxpayer, the taxpayer's living together relatives (resident certificate Kami-same household), the taxpayer, and the heir. (If you are in proxy/agent with a power of attorney or have acquired real estate after January 2 (after the due date), you will be handled only at the ward office Tax Division window.)

Tax certificate

Main Applications

Tax filing, etc.

Contents of the certificate

Taxpayer name, standard tax amount, tax amount (annual amount), etc.

Those who can request a certificate

It is issued to the owners of fixed assets or their proxy/agent, etc.

Certification fee

300 yen per sheet

Where a certificate can be obtained

It will be handled at the ward office of the ward where the fixed assets are located.
The same applies to requests by mail and requests for past years.
Please note that you cannot obtain this certificate at the administrative service corner.

Certificate of registration of land and house comprehensive name book

Main Applications

Income tax declaration, reference materials for inheritance, etc.

Contents of the certificate

Taxpayer name, location, land title / land area (land), type / floor area (house), price (valuation value), etc.
※Tax-exempt assets are not listed.

Those who can request a certificate

It is issued to the owners of fixed assets or their proxy/agent, etc.

Certification fee

300 yen per sheet

Where a certificate can be obtained

It will be handled at the ward office of the ward where the fixed assets are located.
The same applies to requests by mail and requests for past years.
Please note that you cannot obtain this certificate at the administrative service corner.

Tax exemption certificate

Main Applications

(Private roads, etc.) Application for registration of transfer of ownership by buying and selling real estate, land and houses brokerage contracts or sales contracts, loan applications from financial institutions, etc.

Contents of the certificate

Owner, location, land area (land), type, structure, floor area (house) of fixed assets, etc.

Those who can request a certificate

Anyone can get it.

Type of certificate and certification fee

Type of tax exemption certificate and certification fee
Land House
300 yen per brush 300 yen per ledger

Where a certificate can be obtained

As a general rule, it will be handled at the ward office of the ward where the fixed assets are located. The same applies to requests by mail and requests for past years.
However, only land for the current fiscal year can be acquired at any Tax Division window in the city.
Please note that you cannot obtain this certificate at the administrative service corner.

Residential house certificate (used house)

Main Applications

Receive measures to reduce registration and license tax related to registration of ownership transfer or registration of mortgage.
This certificate is for used homes that have certain requirements.

Requirements for obtaining certificates

  1. A house acquired by an individual between April 1, 1984 and March 31, 2027
  2. The cause of the acquisition is "trading" or "auction"
  3. Being a house for yourself to live
  4. Floor area (for co-owned houses, exclusive area) must be 50m2 or more
  5. About sectional ownership house, it is fireproof building or semi-fireproof building under Building Standard Act
  6. Must be registered within one year after acquisition
  7. Documents that conform to the standards for safety against earthquakes can be confirmed by documents (required documents "in the case of buildings built before January 1, 1982") or January 1982 Must be built after one day

<When applying for a residential house for a house that has undergone a specific extension or renovation by a residential land and building dealer>

In addition to the requirements of 3 to 7, the following requirements must be met:
  • A house acquired by an individual from a residential land and building dealer between April 1, 2014 and March 31, 2027
  • A house acquired by a residential land and building dealer within 2 years before the acquisition
  • A house that has passed 10 years from the date of new construction.
  • The total cost of the construction must be at least 20/100 of the sales price of the house (3 million yen if it exceeds 3 million yen)
  • The total cost required for the construction listed in Article 42-2, Paragraph 2, Items 1 to 6 of the Enforcement Order of the Special Taxation Measures Law shall exceed 1 million yen, or Item 4 of the same paragraph The cost required for the construction listed in any of the items (7) to (7) exceeds 500,000 yen each (however, the insurance listed in item 7 is required for liability).

Documents required for application

  1. Application Form
  2. Copy of resident certificate (submitted) ※1
  3. Certificate of entry of the building (registered copy) (presentation) ("Internet registration information" (with reference number) is acceptable * 2)
  4. Sales contract or sales certificate or copy (presentation)

※1 If you have a My Number card, a copy of resident certificate can be obtained using a multi-copy machine installed at a convenience store.
  Sir. For details, please refer to "About convenience store delivery service".
※2 If you are applying for registration, you will not be able to issue a residential house certificate because you cannot confirm the entry using the inquiry number. Articles in advance   
  Please obtain a certificate (registered copy) and present it.

In the following cases, in addition to the above documents, documents are required depending on the situation.

<In the case of buildings built before January 1, 1982>
 You need one of the following documents 1 to 3 to prove that you meet the seismic standards. (presentation)

  1. Certificate of conformity with earthquake resistance standards (Note 1)
  2. Housing Performance Evaluation Report (Note 2)
  3. Insurance certificate issued by the Housing Defect Liability Insurance Corporation (Note 3)

(Note 1) The house survey date of the house must be within two years before the acquisition.
(Note 2) The evaluation date of the house (evaluation report issuance date) must be within two years before the acquisition.
(Note 3) The contract date must be within two years before the acquisition of the house.

<If you haven't lived in the house yet>
 One of the following documents (1) or (2) is required.

  1. Petition (submitted)
  2. Confirmation of expected occupancy issued by the residential land and building dealer (submission)

<In the case of a house that has undergone a specific extension or renovation by a residential land and building dealer>

  1. Construction certificate for extension and remodeling (submission) (copiable)
  2. If the amount of expenses required for construction related to plumbing pipes or parts to prevent rainwater intrusion exceeds 500,000 yen, a certificate (presentation) with existing house purchase and sale defect liability insurance

<In the case of mortgage registration>

  • Money consumption lease contracts, etc. that can be confirmed to be fund loans to acquire the house

Where a certificate can be obtained

It will be handled at the ward office of the ward where the fixed assets are located.
Please note that you cannot obtain this certificate at the administrative service corner.

Certification fee

1,300 yen per case

Download of style

  • Residential house certification application
  • Petition

Residential house certificate (new housing)

We issue house certificate for house of new house in Yokohama Building Information Center.

Please note that you cannot obtain this certificate at the administrative service corner.

Certificate that there are no registered items in the ward

Main Applications

  1. Applying for loss registration for buildings that have already been lost, etc.
  2. Confirm that there are no assets owned by the Company when receiving public services, etc.

Contents of the certificate

  1. Not registered in the fixed asset tax book
  2. There must be no fixed assets owned by the relevant ward

Those who can request a certificate

  1. Anyone can get it.
  2. It is issued to the person himself or his proxy/agent.

Certification fee

300 yen per sheet

A place where certification can be obtained

It will be handled at the ward office of the ward where the fixed assets are located.
The same applies to requests by mail and requests for past years.
Please note that this certificate cannot be obtained at the administrative service corner.

Download of fixed asset certification application style

About online application of certificate about property tax (smartphone application)

Online application (smartphone application) can be used only when the taxpayer applies for an evaluation certificate and a public due certificate. Please apply from page of smartphone application (outside site) of certificate about property tax.
For more information, you can apply for tax certification on your smartphone or PC! Please take a look at it.

When requesting by mail

Please mail the following documents to Tax Division Land Section, the ward office of the ward where the assets are located.

(1) Application for Certification of Fixed Assets
 Please fill in the required items in the thick frame of the application form and fill in the Phone number that can be reached during the day.

(2) Fixed amount postal money order or ordinary money order for the fee
 Please purchase at the postal savings counter of Japan Post Bank and Post Office. Please do not enter anything in the fields of "Designated Recipient" and "Name".
 For fixed-rate small exchange or ordinary exchange, please send the remaining validity period of 3 weeks or more for administrative procedures (the validity period is 6 months from the date of issuance) 。

(3) Reply envelope
 Please put a stamp and fill in the address.

[Notes] The postage has changed since October 1, 2024.
For details on postage, please refer to the page of Japan Post Co., Ltd. (Domestic Price List) (external site).

About abolition of reading of property tax taxable property ledger

Reading of property tax taxable property ledger was abolished from September 1, 2010.
At the same time, the tax-exempt ledger can be viewed only by the owner himself. For details, please refer to the following PDF.

Contact information

If you have any questions, please contact each ward office.

Each ward office, Tax Division Property Tax, Land Section House
Ward OfficeLand Section window number Phone numberHouse contact number Phone numberE-Mail address
Aoba Ward51, 3rd floor of Aoba Ward Office
50th floor on the 3rd floor of Aoba Ward Office
[email protected]
Asahi Ward29th floor, 2nd floor of Asahi Ward Hall Main Building
29th floor, 2nd floor of Asahi Ward Hall Main Building
[email protected]
Izumi Ward302 on the 3rd floor of Izumi Ward Office
302 on the 3rd floor of Izumi Ward Office
[email protected]
Isogo Ward36th floor, Isogo Ward Office, 3rd floor
36th floor, Isogo Ward Office, 3rd floor
[email protected]
Kanagawa Ward323, 3rd floor of Kanagawa Ward Hall Main Building
322, 3rd floor of Kanagawa Ward Hall Main Building
[email protected]
Kanazawa Ward302 on the 3rd floor of Kanazawa Ward Office
301 on the 3rd floor of Kanazawa Ward Office
[email protected]
Konan Ward32nd floor, Konan Ward Office, 3rd floor
32nd floor, Konan Ward Office, 3rd floor
[email protected]
Kohoku Ward35th floor, Kohoku Ward Office, 3rd floor
34th floor, Kohoku Ward Office, 3rd floor
[email protected]
Sakae Ward32nd floor, 3rd floor of Sakae Ward Hall Main Building
33rd floor, 3rd floor of Sakae Ward Hall Main Building
[email protected]
Seya Ward31st floor, Seya Ward Office, 3rd floor
31st floor, Seya Ward Office, 3rd floor
[email protected]
Tsuzuki Ward  32nd floor, Tsuzuki Ward   Office, 3rd floor
33rd floor, Tsuzuki Ward   Office, 3rd floor
[email protected]
Tsurumi Ward5th floor on the 4th floor of Tsurumi Ward Office
4th floor, 6th floor, Tsurumi Ward Office
[email protected]
Totsuka Ward73rd floor, Totsuka Ward Office, 7th floor
73rd floor, Totsuka Ward Office, 7th floor
[email protected]
Naka Ward45th floor, 4th floor of Naka Ward Office Main Building
44th floor, Naka Ward Office Main Building, 4th floor
[email protected]
Nishi Ward43rd floor, Nishi Ward Office, 4th floor
43rd floor, Nishi Ward Office, 4th floor
[email protected]
Hodogaya Ward28th floor, 2nd floor of Hodogaya Ward Hall Main Building
28th floor, 2nd floor of Hodogaya Ward Hall Main Building
[email protected]
Midori Ward34th floor, Midori Ward Office, 3rd floor
34th floor, Midori Ward Office, 3rd floor
[email protected]
Minami Ward31st floor, Minami Ward Office, 3rd floor
31st floor, Minami Ward Office, 3rd floor
[email protected]

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Inquiries to this page

Property Tax Division, Chief Tax Department, Finance Bureau Land Section

Phone: 045-671-2258

Phone: 045-671-2258

Fax: 045-641-2775

E-Mail address [email protected]

Property Tax Division, Property Tax Division, Finance Bureau

Phone: 045-671-2260

Phone: 045-671-2260

Fax: 045-641-2775

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 211-250-336


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