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PR character (for children) of agricultural and livestock products produced in the city

Last updated on May 27, 2024.

"Hamana-chan" will be transformed into a city-produced agricultural and livestock product PR character for children!

Hamana-chan image
Hamana-chan logo mark

We change "Hamana-chan" which was symbol of brand farm products of Yokohama-shi to city agricultural and livestock product PR character for child. When we use "hamana-chan" newly with change of handling, application of use permission is necessary.
In addition, PR materials, etc. ※Those who use "Hamana-chan" can continue to use it, but please submit a report to understand the usage situation. (* PR materials include bags for vegetables, binding tapes, cardboard, etc.)

[Objectives of Use]
①Contributing to food education and school lunch
②Thing to spread and enlighten agricultural and livestock products produced in the city
③Promotion of use in school lunches
④In addition, thing which the mayor recognized

[Target persons]
①Institutions such as nursery schools, kindergartens, elementary schools, etc.
②Ward bureaus of Yokohama City
③Those who are engaged in activities that contribute to the locally grown and consumed
④In addition, thing which the mayor recognizes as appropriate

In addition, in Yokohama-shi, we are pushing forward unified PR by "Yokohama farm", and please utilize logo mark of "Yokohama farm" when you publicize agricultural and livestock products produced in the city other than the above purpose.


  Submission address Submission deadline

For new use
[Application for Permit]

Yokohama-shi agriculture promotion section
TEL: 045-671-2637/FAX: 045-664-4425
Acceptance at any time

When using a copy that has already been created and using it

[Tsurumi, Kanagawa, Hodogaya, Asahi, Kohoku, Green, Aoba, Tsuzuki]
Northern Agricultural Administration Office (4th floor of Tsuzuki Ward   General Government Building)
TEL: 045-948-2480/FAX: 045-948-2488
[Naka / South / Konan / Isoko / Kanazawa / Tozuka / Sakae / Izumi / Seya]
Southern Agricultural Administration Office (8th floor of Totsuka Ward General Government Building)
TEL: 045-866-8493/FAX: 045-862-4351
Acceptance at any time

※In order to understand the usage status of "Hamana-chan", please cooperate with the submission of the above [Notification] even if you are already using "Hamana-chan" for binding tapes, bags, cardboard materials, etc.

Submission style

Inquiries to this page

Agriculture Promotion Division, Agricultural Administration Department, Green Environment Bureau

Phone: 045-671-2637

Phone: 045-671-2637

Fax: 045-664-4425

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 223-515-930


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