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Last updated on December 15, 2023.

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locally grown and consumed Initiatives in Yokohama City

What is locally grown and consumed?

locally grown and consumed means "consuming what is obtained from the land on that land."

  • It's fresh, delicious, and tastes the season.
  • Producer's face can be seen, safety and security
  • Producers are motivated to produce directly in response to the voices of consumers.
  • Communication between producers and consumers is born, and the region is rejuvenated.
  • Since the transportation distance is short, carbon dioxide emissions are low and environmentally friendly.

It is said that there is such an advantage.
Why don't you take locally grown and consumed into your life?
Please buy fresh local vegetables and fruits at a direct sales place near you.

locally grown and consumed Initiatives in Yokohama City

In Yokohama City, we are promoting the locally grown and consumed with the aim of delivering information on Yokohama's agriculture and livestock products to citizens and creating connections between Yokohama's agriculture and livestock products in everyday life.

Promotion of locally grown and consumed where people feel familiar with farming

In order to promote the locally grown and consumed through the development of the Yokohama Farm, we will promote the development and operation of direct sales outlets that sell local agricultural and livestock productslocally grown and consumed, and promote PR activities such as distributing seedlings and flower seedlings produced in the city.

  1. Support for direct sales outlets, Aozora City, etc.
  2. Distribution of seedlings for greening
  3. Implementation of information dissemination and PR activities
    We publish information magazine "Hamafudo Navi" and various pamphlets. In addition, we utilize Yokohama farm official Instagram account to send charm of agriculture of Yokohama.

Development of locally grown and consumed in collaboration with citizens and companies

We will develop human resources related to locally grown and consumed and strengthen our network to enhance our agricultural platform(Note) and promote the development of the Yokohama Farm through collaboration between agriculture, citizens and companies.

  1. Development of human resources to expand the locally grown and consumed
  2. Cooperation with citizens and companies

Note: The agricultural platform is a network of various entities involved in locally grown and consumed, including producers, businesses and consumers. It refers to a place to connect.

Inquiries to this page

Agriculture Promotion Division, Agricultural Administration Department, Green Environment Bureau

Phone: 045-671-2637

Phone: 045-671-2637

Fax: 045-664-4425

E-Mail address

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Page ID: 797-830-458


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