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  6. [Results] We are recruiting business plans from businesses related to the utilization of the national decarbonization transition and renewable energy promotion grant (priority measures acceleration project)

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[Results] We are recruiting business plans from businesses related to the utilization of the national decarbonization transition and renewable energy promotion grant (priority measures acceleration project)

Last updated on September 1, 2023.

As a result of this offer, the following three companies submitted business plans.
As a result of confirming based on contents and upper limit of subsidy amount, we list in Yokohama-shi business plan and submit to country.
・Sotetsu Holdings Inc.
・Sotetsu Real Estate Co., Ltd.
・Sotetsu Arbank Riits Co., Ltd.

※Application has been closed.
Yokohama City will create a business plan for Yokohama City in order to utilize the national regional decarbonization transition and renewable energy promotion grant (priority measures acceleration project). On plan making, we raise business plans for companies wishing to utilize this grant.

Please check the press release materials and national guidelines, fill out the form with required items and submit it to the contact information by e-mail.
Submission deadline: November 30, 2022 (Wednesday) until 5:00 p.m.

Inquiries Climate Change Policy Headquarters Project Promotion Division
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 045-671-4155

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Inquiries to this page

Decarbonization / GREEN × EXPO Promotion Bureau Carbon Neutral Business Promotion Division, Decarbonized Society Transition Promotion Department

Phone: 045-671-4155

Phone: 045-671-4155

Fax: 045-550-3925

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 584-434-651


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