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Last updated on March 6, 2025.
The text is from here.
With Yokohama-shi water supply business summary, we gather every year to provide information about water supply business of Motoichi to customer including introduction of water supply facilities, financial situation and result of water examination.
Chapter 1 Overview of Yokohama Channel (PDF: 1,820KB)
(1)History of Water Supply Business
(2)Water supply system in Yokohama City
(3)Overview of the Yokohama City Water Supply Business
(4)Changes in water supply demand
(5)Water sources owned by Yokohama City
(6)Water sources owned by businesses in joint development
(7)Water supply by year and month
Chapter 2 Introduction of water supply facilities in Yokohama City (PDF: 2,301KB)
(1)Transition of Water Supply Business
(2)Dam facilities
(3)Intake facilities
(4)Water transmission facilities
(5)Water purification facilities
(6)Distribution and distribution facilities
A: Distribution block diagram
B: Distribution blocks and reservoirs
C: Transmission and distribution pumps
D: Extension of distribution pipes by type
(7)Water supply facility flowsheet diagram
(8)Doshi Water Source Forest
Chapter 3 Major business of Yokohama water supply (PDF: 1,591KB)
(1)Development of Yokohama Water Supply Long-Term Vision and Medium-Term Management Plan
(2)Medium-Term Management Plan (FY2006-99) Fiscal Balance Plan and Results
(3)Core facility maintenance business
(4)Distribution pipe maintenance business
A: Summary Table
B: Measures for pipe network maintenance
C: Measures against aging pipes
D: Water leakage prevention measures
(5)Sagami Reservoir Sand Countermeasures Project
Chapter 4 Outline of water supply finance (PDF: 1,152KB)
(1)Financial Results
(2)Statements of Income
(3)Balance Sheets
(4)Statements of Cash Flows
(5)Personnel expenses, number of staff, etc.
(6)Ratio of Financial Analysis
(7)Corporate bonds
A: Overview of Corporate Bonds
B: Unpaid balance of corporate bonds (end of each fiscal year)
C: Breakdown of outstanding balance by interest rate
(8)Proceeds from national treasury subsidies
Chapter 5 Water Rate in Yokohama City (PDF: 1,310KB)
(1)July 2021 Fee Revision
A: Water rate table
B: Outline of Fee Revision
(2)Water usage subscription unit price table
(3)Number of water supply units, amount of revenue water, and fee income by use and year
(4)Number of water supply units, amount of revenue water, and fee income by application and stage
(5)Amount of revenue water and fee income by application and excess
Chapter 6 Making water supply resistant to disasters (PDF: 2,194KB)
(1)Emergency water supply plan
(2)Breakdown of installation of underground water tanks for disasters
(3)Underground water tanks for disasters, distribution reservoirs, earthquake-resistant hydrants
(4)List of emergency hydrant installations
(5)Disaster Preparedness disaster drill
A: disaster drill (Emergency Water Supply Training)
B: Joint disaster drill with Private Business Operators
(6)Efforts for Stockpiling Drinking Water
(7)Development of water supply facilities in preparation for disasters
(8)Aging water pipe improvement promotion project
(9)Efforts to secure repair materials in the event of a disaster
(10)Development of emergency power generation facilities
(11)Efforts to secure fuel
(12)Measurement of radioactive material
Chapter 7 To deliver safe and high-quality water (PDF: 2,767KB)
(1)Water quality improvement measures
A: Environmental improvement business and maintenance business related to Sagamiko and Lake Tsukui
B: Installation of aoko fence at the Sagamiko intake
C: Subsidies for the Michishi Village Domestic Wastewater Treatment Project
D: Improvement of water quality by injecting activated carbon
O: Cryptosporidium countermeasures (turbidity management, etc.)
(2)Composition of water quality standards and water quality items
(3)Plans and results of water quality inspection
A: Water quality inspection points at water sources
B: City water quality inspection points
C: Age of water quality
D: Overview of Water Quality
(4)Management status of water supply equipment and water tank water supply
A: Improvement of management level of water tank water supply
B: Management category based on capacity of receiving tank (Yokohama City)
C: Inspection organization of water receiving tank water supply
D: Efforts for water tank facilities
(5)Promotion of direct water supply
Chapter 8 About industrial water supply business (PDF: 1,273KB)
(1)History of Industrial Water Supply Business
(2)Overview of Business
A: Water sources owned (water rights)
B: Overview of Construction Costs and Construction Funds
C: Water supply capacity
D: Water supply area and distribution pipe extension
O: Water quality standards for industrial water
(3)Financial status
A: Financial Results
B: Statements of Income
C: Balance Sheets
(4)Revision of industrial water rate
A: Overview of revision of industrial water rates
B: Trends in Industrial Water Charges
C: Medium-Term Management Plan (FY2006-99) Fiscal Balance Plan and Results
Chapter 9 About Kanagawa Wide Area Water Supply Corporation (PDF: 1,276KB)
(1)Overview of the Foundation
(2)Overview of Sagami River Water System Construction Project (Phase 1)
(3)Breakdown of water supply
(4)Breakdown of water supply unit price
(5)Breakdown of Water Charges from Enterprises
(6)Breakdown of the amount of water received by corporate group
Reference (PDF: 682KB)
(1)List of Water Works Bureau Organizations
(2)Overview of Water Works Bureau Organization and Administrative Division
Water Works Bureau Customer Service Center
Phone: 045-847-6262 Fax: 045-848-4281
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