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- Disaster Prevention and Disasters
- Enlightenment booklet (Minami Disaster Prevention Guide, etc.)
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Enlightenment booklet (Minami Disaster Prevention Guide, etc.)
Minami Ward has created a booklet on disaster prevention. Various booklets are distributed at Minami Ward Office General Affairs Division (66th floor on the 6th floor) and can also be viewed in PDF format.
Last updated on February 4, 2021.
"Minami Disaster Prevention Guide"
Minami Disaster Prevention Guide (PDF: 5,314KB)
I don't know when disasters such as major earthquake, typhoons and heavy rains will occur. The "Minami Disaster Prevention Guide" lists all of these various disasters, such as daily preparations, response to outbreaks, and local initiatives.
Please put it together with the Minami Ward Disaster Prevention Map, which summarizes dangerous spots during evacuation sites and heavy rains, and use it for discussions at home and in the community.
"Disaster Prevention Handbook for Child-Rearing Homes"
Disaster prevention handbook for child care families (PDF: 7,787KB)
For families with infants and children who need to be considered in the event of a disaster, it summarizes preparations for a disaster and how to deal with a disaster. It was created to encourage the whole family to think about disaster prevention. Please use it to prepare for disasters that can be done to protect the lives of "self" and "child".
Other learning content
In addition, educational booklets and videos on disaster prevention created by Yokohama City are available on the page of Yokohama City [Measures for My Home].
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Page ID: 648-479-605