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  6. Minami Ward Community Welfare and Health Plan
  7. About questionnaire findings to formulate the fourth Minami Ward community-based welfare health plan

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About questionnaire findings to formulate the fourth Minami Ward community-based welfare health plan

In order to formulate the 4th Minami Ward Community Welfare and Health Plan, we conducted a questionnaire survey for residents of the city and related organizations. Thank you very much for your cooperation.

Last updated on May 11, 2020.

1 Purpose of the Survey

Minami Ward is currently examining the formulation of the Fourth Minami Ward Community Welfare and Health Plan (scheduled for FY2013-7). For development, we carried out questionnaire survey to inhabitants of a ward and affiliates to grasp way of thinking about area and problem about welfare health.

2 Outline of the survey

(1) Inhabitant of a ward questionnaire survey
A Survey period: May 27-June 21, 2013
B. Target: 3,200 men and women aged 20 and over living in the city (random sampling)
C. Survey method: Mailing (distribution and collection)
D. Recovery results: Number of survey forms sent (3,200), number of collections (1,601), collection rate (50.0%)

(2) Questionnaire survey of related parties
A Survey period: May 31-June 28, 2013
B. Target: Approximately 350 organizations, including Union Neighborhood Associations, District Children's Association, District Shakyo, Welfare Facilities and Volunteer Organizations
C. Survey method: Mailing (distribution and collection)
D. Recovery results: Number of questionnaires sent (329 organizations), number of collections (253 organizations), collection rate (76.9%)

3 Results of the questionnaire

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