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Frequently Asked Questions and Answers "Tax Payment"

Last updated on November 8, 2024.

Frequently Asked Questions and Answers "Tax Payment"

What do I need to get a tax proof?

When the person applies at the counter
・Driver's license, Basic Resident Register card, etc. that can prove that you are the person
・In the case of a certificate of a corporation, the representative seal (registration seal)
When proxy/agent applies at the counter
・Power of Attorney
・In the case of certification of a corporation, a power of attorney stamped with a representative seal (registration seal)
・Proof of identity such as proxy/agent's own driver's license, Basic Resident Register card, etc.

Can I get my tax proof by mail?

I can get it. Please send the following to Tax Division Tax Receipt Section. In the case of mail, the application will be made from the person and returned to the person.
1 Application form (Please indicate the type of certificate, purpose of use, required number of copies, applicant Address, name and date of birth, Address or property location and owner in Yokohama, contact information Phone number)
2 Fixed amount money order at the post office for the fee amount (the fee is 300 yen per copy)
3 Reply envelope with a stamp
You can also download the application form from the Yokohama City homepage. (External site)

Can I pay the city tax at a convenience store?

About personal municipal tax, prefectural tax (ordinary collection), property tax, city planning tax (land / house), property tax (depreciable assets), light motor vehicles tax (keijidosha-zei) (classification rate), nationwide listed on the back of payment slip You can pay at convenience stores.
If your payment slip has a convenience store barcode, you can pay the tax, but you cannot handle payment slips without barcodes.

Can I use a payment slip that has passed the deadline?

In the case of payment at a financial institution, etc., it can be used until the end of May of the following year. However, convenience stores will be available until the end of April of the following year, and post offices outside Yokohama will be available only during the delivery date.
In addition, arrearages may be added if payment is made after the deadline.

I'd like to withdraw my tax from my account.

City tax fund transfer is a convenient system that allows you to automatically debit your financial institution or post office account once you complete the procedure. Please take advantage of it.
○How to apply
(1) Application at financial institutions and post offices
Please bring your passbook, passbook registration stamp, and if you have any tax payment letter of advice, and apply at the counter of the financial institution or post office.
(2) Application by mail
We can download fund transfer request book (only for mail) from Yokohama-shi homepage and have you apply by mail (except post office).
For details, please refer to the following page.
If you do not have a connection to the Internet or would like to use the post office, please contact the Finance Bureau Tax Administration Division (Tel: 045-671-3747).
*Please note that the delivery date for the start of fund transfer differs depending on the application time for both window application and mail application.
○Transfer method
(1) Transfer for each term (the tax amount will be transferred on the due date of each delivery date)
(2) Transfer of all payments in advance (the annual tax amount will be transferred on the due date of the first term)
○City taxes available
City prefectural tax (ordinary collection), property tax / city planning tax (land / house), property tax (depreciable assets)

Is it possible to deduct the late tax from my account?

I can't do it.

What is the difference?

Not paying the city tax by the prescribed deadline is called "delinquency". When we delinquent city tax, we send letter of advice (dunning letter) of reminder to have you pay early in ward office. In addition, after the deadline, in order to maintain fairness with those who paid within the deadline, a late payment fee will be charged according to the number of days from the day after the deadline to the date of payment.

1.Interest rates from January 1, 2021 to December 31, 2021
Period from the day after the due date to the day after one month elapses 2.5% per year
Period from the following day to payment 8.8% per year

2.Interest rates from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2024
Period from the day after the due date to the day after one month elapses 2.4% per year
Period from the following day to payment 8.7% per year

However, if the calculated amount of the arrears is less than 1,000 yen, the entire amount will be rounded down.
For more information, please refer to the following page.

What happens if the city tax is delinquent?

In Yokohama City, we send a notice to those who have been late for the city tax and ask them to pay the tax as soon as possible by visiting them. .
If you still cannot pay the tax, in order to maintain fairness with the person who paid the tax by the deadline, seize the person's property (salary, deposit, real estate, etc.), collect the seized property and conduct public auction. , Will be devoted to city tax.
A series of procedures such as foreclosure, collection, and public auction are called delinquent disposal.
If you are unable to pay the tax voluntarily, you will be able to secure the city tax by procedures based on the law, so please cooperate with the tax payment within the deadline so that this does not happen.

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Inquiries to this page

Naka Ward General Affairs Department Tax Division

Phone: 045-224-8230

Phone: 045-224-8230

Fax: 045-224-8217

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 468-128-844

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