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  5. The logo design to celebrate the 80th anniversary of the Nishi Ward system has been decided!

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The logo design to celebrate the 80th anniversary of the Nishi Ward system has been decided!

The Executive Committee of the 80th Anniversary of the Nishi Ward System solicited a logo design proposal to publicize the 80th anniversary of the Nishi Ward system. We voted from Friday, June 23, 2023 to Tuesday, July 11, about nine points selected by the executive committee from 345 works gathered, and 2,314 votes gathered . The Executive Committee selected one of the top three works.

Last updated on August 4, 2023.

Decided logo mark

Logo design to celebrate the 80th anniversary of the Nishi Ward system

The creator of the design proposal 

Masaharu Teshima Photo
Masaharu Teshima (Art Director)

Congratulations on the 80th anniversary of the constituency system. I am very happy and grateful for your participation in the logo. Nishi Ward often visits for work. The blue image of the ship and bay area floating in the port of Yokohama represents the historic Nishi Ward. We connected the connection between people and the connection between the community with lines 8 and 0, and designed a warm logo that welcomes Nishimaro-chan's smile. I hope that this logo will make the 80th anniversary exciting.

Reason for selection and future utilization

The members of the Executive Committee made a written vote on the three top points in the voting, and received the most votes. The committee members commented, "The sea and ship that image Yokohama, the mascot character of Nishi Ward" Nishimaro-chan "and the logo mark of Nishi" are successfully fused." It will be used at various events held in Nishi Ward in the future.

Supplementary prize

The creator will be presented with a pair dinner ticket for the 2nd floor of Yokohama Bay Hotel Tokyu (Minato Mirai 2-3-7), an all-day dining "Cafe Tosca" as a supplementary prize.

About sending participation prize to logo mark design applicants

We will present a "Nishimaro-chan Goods Set" to 24 people by lottery from among those who have applied for the logo design proposal. Shipment is scheduled for early August. Winners' announcements will be replaced with the delivery of gifts. Thank you very much for your application.

Catch phrase

Let's create the future by cultivating a new history
※The catchphrase was decided by a written vote by the members of the Executive Committee after drafting the candidate proposal by the secretariat.


Ward Administration Promotion Division Public Relations Section, Nishi-ku, Yokohama (Executive Committee Secretariat to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the Nishi Ward system)
〒220-0051 1-5-10, Chuo, Nishi-ku, Yokohama-shi
Phone: 045-320-8321 FAX: 045-314-8894
Email: [email protected]

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