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Independence Support Council

Last updated on May 14, 2024.

Management of the Independence Support Council (Seyaman Maru Net)

In fiscal 2005, Seya Ward established the Seya Ward Regional Independence Support Council for Persons with Disabilities, which gathers relevant organizations and parties, to ensure that everyone, regardless of disability, can live safely in the community.

In 2013, the nickname of this council was "Seyamamaru Net", and we decided to publicize so that activities could spread to citizens.

Seyamamaru Net conducts study sessions focusing on themes related to disaster prevention and elementary school student, and organizes and organizes events to broaden understanding of disabilities. In addition to the ward office, the secretariat is the Seya Activity Home Taiyo (outside site), the Seya Ward Life Support Center, and the Seya Ward Japan National Council of Social Welfare (outside site).

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Inquiries to this page

Seya Ward Health and Welfare Center Elderly and Disabled Support Division

Phone: 045-367-5715

Phone: 045-367-5715

Fax: 045-364-2346

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 773-205-377

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