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- [Events and Lectures] A lot of Egao ♡ Aobakko was held.
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[Events and Lectures] A lot of Egao ♡ Aobakko was held.
From January to February 2023, we exhibited works full of smiles created by volunteers from childcare facilities in Aoba Ward on the first floor of the Aoba Ward Office.
Last updated on September 5, 2024.
From January to February 2023, we exhibited works full of smiles created by volunteers from childcare facilities in Aoba Ward on the first floor of the Aoba Ward Office.
State of the exhibition at the ward office
Works of each garden (Tamaplaza area, no particular order)
Tamaplaza Momiji Nursery School
Art Child Care Roripup Tama Plaza
Aoba Flell Nursery School
Poppins Nursery School Tamaplaza
Palette Nursery School Tama Plaza
Shogakukan Academy Tama Plaza Nursery School
Star Child {Tamaplaza Nasary≫
Tamaplaza Kozakura Aijien
Global Kids Tama Plaza Nursery School
Global Kids Utsukushigaoka Nursery School
Kyoshin's Hoikuen HOPPA Tamapuraza
A lot of tamaplaza
Utsukushigaoka, Yokohama-shi Nursery School
Works of each garden (Azamino, Eda area, no particular order)
Angel Bear Azamino Nursery School
Nichii Kids Utsukushigaoka Nursery School
Star Child "Edakita Nathari"
Global Kids Azaminoen
Iro Kids Utsukushigaoka Nursery School
Aoba Nursery School
Kozakura Aijien
Susukino, Yokohama-shi Nursery School
Works of each garden (Ichigao, Fujigaoka area, no particular order)
Pippi Nursery School
Parepore Nursery School Fujigaoka
Global Kids Ichigao Garden
Pippi Everyone's Nursery School
Sun Kids Edanishi Nursery School
Miahhersa Nursery School Hibiki Ichigao
Star Child "Fujigaoka Small Nursery School"
ChaCha Children Kakinokidai
Eda Nursery School, Yokohama City
Works of each garden (Aobadai, Tana, Onda, Children's Country Area, in no particular order)
Rindo Nursery School
MIWA Akanedai Hikarinoko Nursery School
Midori baby/infant Garden
Yokohama Nazareth Nursery School
Nijiiro Nursery School Aobadai
Angel Bear Aobadai Nursery School
Children of the Sun Sakuradai Daini Nursery School
Iro Kids Tana Nursery School
Aobadai Nursery School
Children's Country Hoshizora Nursery School
Aoba Poka Nursery Room
Nara Nursery School, Yokohama City
Inquiries to this page
Aoba Ward Children and Families Support Division Childcare Manager
Phone: 045-978-2428
Phone: 045-978-2428
Fax: 045-978-2422
E-Mail address [email protected]
Page ID: 262-661-645