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  5. [Events and Lectures] [Municipal Nursery School] Open garden

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[Events and Lectures] [Municipal Nursery School] Open garden

Play with your friends and enjoy interacting with your dad and mom while using nursery toys! Events will be held on an irregular basis.♪

Last updated on February 26, 2025.

I don't need a reservation. Shall we go today? If you think so, please come and visit us.
It can be used as a place to make friends for your child and to meet parents, or a place to consult with a nursery teacher about what you are a little worried about in your life with your child.

Garden opening schedule

Eda Nursery School, Yokohama City

Utsukushigaoka, Yokohama-shi Nursery School

Nara Nursery School, Yokohama City

Susukino, Yokohama-shi Nursery School


From Monday, April 8 (PDF: 906KB)

Moon, Tuesday, water, trees, soil


From Monday, April 8 (PDF: 451KB)

Moon to Friday


From Wednesday, May 8
Moon, Tree, Second Water

From Tuesday, May 7 (PDF: 871KB)


From Monday, April 14

Moon, Tuesday, water, trees, soil


From Monday, April 14

Moon to Friday


From Thursday, May 8
Moon, Tree, Second Water

From Wednesday, May 7

In Utsukushigaoka Nursery School, we carry out hall opening!

Hall opening schedule
 Utsukushigaoka Nursery School

Date of implementation: 3/12 ※Wednesday
Time 10:30 ~ 11:30
During the opening of the hall, you will not be able to use the garden.
A birthday party will be held from 11:00 to 11:30 on the day marked with "*".


Date of implementation: 4/23 ※、5/28 ※,6/18 ※、7/2、7/16 ※、8/6、8/27 ※、9/10、9/24 ※(All Wednesday)
Time 10:30 ~ 11:30
During the opening of the hall, you will not be able to use the garden.
A birthday party will be held from 11:00 to 11:30 on the day marked with "*".

 Hall opening flyer (Late R6 (PDF: 251KB))

Please come and visit the garden opening festival in 2025!

 Eda Nursery School, Yokohama CityUtsukushigaoka, Yokohama-shi Nursery SchoolNara Nursery School, Yokohama CitySusukino, Yokohama-shi Nursery School
Previous fiscal year

Tuesday, April 22
In case of rain, Wednesday, April 23

Tuesday, May 13
In case of rain, Wednesday, May 14

No implementation

No implementation

 The first half of 2025 Garden Opening Festival Flyer (PDF: 983KB)


A birthday party is also held on the day of the garden opening (opening of the hall)!
Eda Nursery School, Yokohama CityUtsukushigaoka, Yokohama-shi Nursery SchoolNara Nursery School, Yokohama CitySusukino, Yokohama-shi Nursery School
Please call me when you visit the park.





Please contact the garden for the implementation date.Not implemented

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Inquiries to this page

Aoba Ward Health and Welfare Center Children and Families Support Division Childcare Manager

Phone: 045-978-2428

Phone: 045-978-2428

Fax: 045-378-2422

E-Mail address [email protected]

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