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  3. Living, procedures
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  5. National Health Insurance
  6. Documents related to medical expenses grant application (for Insurance and Pension Division National Health Insurance Section 27th window)

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Documents related to medical expenses grant application (for Insurance and Pension Division National Health Insurance Section 27th window)

In order to prevent the COVID-19 infection, we will carry out the following procedures by mail. Since it is an exchange by mail, it will take longer than normal processing time, and we apologize for any inconvenience, but we appreciate your understanding and cooperation. If you would like to apply by mail, please contact Aoba Ward Office Insurance and Pension Division National Health Insurance Section Payment Section (045-978-2337).

Last updated on September 14, 2020.

<If you would like to apply by mail, please contact the National Health Insurance Section Payment Section of Aoba Ward Office Insurance and Pension Section in advance>

1.Application Form for Subsidies for Medical Expenses for Pediatric Treatment

Note) The child medical expenses application form and input form are set of two sheets. Please do not print on both sides.

Note: Please be careful of incorrect delivery.
〒225-0024 31-4, Ichigaocho, Aoba-ku, Yokohama-shi
Addressed to Aoba Ward Office Insurance and Pension Division Benefits

2.medical expenses subsidy for severely disabled people, single-parent homes, etc. medical expenses subsidy application

Note: Please be careful of incorrect delivery.
〒225-0024 31-4, Ichigaocho, Aoba-ku, Yokohama-shi
Addressed to Aoba Ward Office Insurance and Pension Division Benefits

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Inquiries to this page

Aoba Ward Health and Welfare Center Insurance and Pension Division

Phone: 045-978-2331

Phone: 045-978-2331

Fax: 045-978-2417

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 804-031-771

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