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2016 "Fire engine type rolling stock box making!"

Fire Bureau, Kiyoken, Yokohama Walker

Last updated on March 14, 2019.

SR (special advanced rescue unit) fire trucks are packaged!

Photo of fire engine-type rolling stock box

Kiyoken Co., Ltd. and City of Yokohama, Fire Bureau collaborate to sell retort curry rolling stock boxes that can be used as stockpiled food using packages as fire trucks!
In addition, in cooperation with Yokohama Walker, we work on PR of Yokohama firefighting and enlightenment of disaster prevention awareness through article publication.

What is the Rolling Stock Method?

A method of buying a lot of foods that you are accustomed to eating regularly, consuming them regularly, and buying and stocking as much as you consume. As you prepare while eating, food with short shelf life can be treated as emergency provisions. In addition, it is said that the familiar taste reduces stress during a disaster.
※A detailed explanation of rolling stock is provided on the Disaster Prevention Metropolitan Area Net (outside site).

History of Public-Private Partnership

Since November 2014, Fire Bureau has been recruiting proposals for public-private partnerships and cooperating companies under the theme of "Promotion of Yokohama Fire Department, Blanding and raising awareness of disaster prevention among citizens" at the theme-type co-creation front desk in Policy Administration Bureau.
In November 2016, it was decided to partner with Kiyoken Co., Ltd. and the authorities to produce stockpiled food products using the rolling stock method.
The production of the “Yokohama Fire Department” x “Yokohama Karii” rolling stock box with the motif of the fire trucks of the authorities’ SR (special advanced rescue unit), promotes the authorities as familiar to the citizens, and recommends the rolling stock method to raisereduce disaster damage awareness.

Product information


A box set for practicing the rolling stock method that combines three Kiyoken's retort product "Kariya Yokohama" in a special box with a fire truck print with the logo of Yokohama Walker and Kiyoken

Sales price

1,250 yen (tax included)

Number of sales

3,000 sets
※End of sales as soon as the planned number is reached

Date of sale

From Sunday, January 8, 2017

Sales location

Yokohama City Fire Service First Ceremony 2017 event store, Kiyoken 63 directly managed stores in Yokohama City

Photo of the opening of the fire engine-type rolling stock box

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