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  5. 2022 "We created LINE stamps in cooperation with Yokohama Design Academy!"

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2022 "We created LINE stamps in cooperation with Yokohama Design Academy!"

Last updated on January 19, 2024.

Sales of LINE Stamps

In City of Yokohama, Fire Bureau, Hama-kun, an official mascot character, plays an active role in various events and other events in order to make it easier for citizens to get closer to firefighting. This time, with the cooperation of Ishikawa Gakuen Yokohama Design Academy, a LINE stamp with the motif of Hama-kun and a live-action firefighter has been released.
The cute appearance of Hama-kun and various scenes of live-action firefighters are easy to use LINE stamps, so please use them.
City of Yokohama, Fire Bureau Hama-kun stamp (external site)
City of Yokohama, Fire Bureau Fire Staff Stamp (external site)

※"YDC", the seller of LINE stamps, is managed by Ishikawa Gakuen Yokohama Design Academy.


In City of Yokohama, Fire Bureau, themed co-creation front ※We are widely soliciting proposals for raising awareness of disaster prevention and reduce disaster damage awareness. This time, Ishikawa Gakuen Yokohama Design Academy proposed the sale of LINE stamps with images of Hama-kun and firefighters using the theme-type co-creation front.

※ Theme-type co-creation Front No.22 PR of "Yokohama Fire Department", Blanding and citizens' disaster prevention and awareness of reduce disaster damage

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