- Yokohama-shi Top Page
- Business
- Menu by field
- Garbage, recycling
- Business-related general waste
- Excellent 3R activities
The text is from here.
Excellent 3R activities
- Excellent 3R activities
- In fiscal 2021, we were certified as excellent 3R activities.
- In fiscal 2020, we have certified excellent 3R activities.
- In fiscal 2019, we certified a business establishment with excellent 3R activities.
- In fiscal 2018, we were certified as excellent 3R activities.
- In fiscal 2017, we certified 3R activity excellence offices.
- In fiscal 2016, we certified 3R activities excellent establishments.
- In fiscal 2015, we certified 3R activity excellence offices.
- In fiscal 2014, we certified 3R activity excellence offices.
- In fiscal 2013, we certified a business establishment with excellent 3R activities.
- In fiscal 2012, we certified a business establishment with excellent 3R activities.
- In fiscal 2011, we certified a business establishment with excellent 3R activities.
- Excellent sorting (three-star) establishments (FY2005-2017)
List of related pages Open the menu of related page list
- About self-loading to incineration plants, etc.
- Cross-border disposal of general waste (for local government officials)
- Appropriate disposal of waste related to COVID-19 infection
- About "newly appointed waste management officer" workshop
- Business-related general waste
- Eating partner shops
- Yokohama City Food 3R Kira Star Activity Award
- Excellent 3R activities
- Introduction of model initiatives for the discharge of business waste
- Let's promote 3R dream recycling!
- The Hama rule is to put out separately.
- To all the event organizers
- For building owners and designers of large-scale buildings
- For owners of large-scale buildings
- List of general waste disposal contractors
- Excellent business certification system for general waste collection and transportation businesses
- Guidance for business operators
- List of administrative dispositions for general waste disposal companies
Page ID: 812-571-825