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- Appropriate disposal of waste related to COVID-19 infection
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Appropriate disposal of waste related to COVID-19 infection
Last updated on November 6, 2024.
From May 8, 2023, COVID-19 infection's position was changed from infectious diseases such as pandemic influenza to Class 5 infectious diseases.
The disposal of waste generated daily from business sites is one of the essential public utilities that supports society.
Until now, waste related to COVID-19 infection has been disposed of in accordance with various guidelines, but in response to the change to Class 5 infectious diseases, the government has no longer required uniform practice.
In the future, individuals and businesses will be required to work on voluntary infection control measures, but these guidelines are considered to be useful for each entity involved in waste treatment to tackle infectious disease control. Please continue to use it in the future.
About various guidelines
・COVID-19 infection Guidelines for Waste Management (PDF: 1,677KB)
[From the Ministry of the Environment]
・COVID-19 Measures Guidelines for Waste Management (PDF: 466KB)
[From the Japan Environmental Sanitation Center and Nihon Sangyo Waste Management Promotion Center]
Reference link
・COVID-19 infection (May 1, 2023) (PDF: 153KB) [Notice of the Ministry of the Environment]
・COVID-19 infection's response after the transition to Class 5 infectious diseases (outside site) [Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare website]
・COVID-19 infection (Special page) [Yokohama City Homepage]
・Infectious waste disposal manual based on the Waste Management Law (PDF: 3,378KB) [From the Ministry of the Environment]
・Q & A on measures against COVID-19 infection in waste disposal (external site) [Ministry of the Environment website]
・Materials on waste measures related to COVID-19 infection (outside site) [From the Ministry of the Environment]
・About disposal of waste discharged from vaccination related to COVID-19 infection (April 2, 2021) (PDF: 249KB) [Notice of the Ministry of the Environment]
・About equipment (partitions, etc.) for COVID-19 infection that is no longer needed [Yokohama City Homepage]
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