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  4. Garbage, recycling
  5. Business-related general waste
  6. Introduction of model initiatives for the discharge of business waste

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Introduction of model initiatives for the discharge of business waste

Yokohama City conducts on-site surveys with businesses to guide the discharge of business-related waste. On-site surveys were conducted on the “storage” and “separation” of waste being carried out at business sites, etc., and results were achieved in reducing, recycling or properly treating waste, as well as employees and consumers. We will introduce effective efforts to raise awareness of such people as good examples.

Last updated on March 24, 2025.

Examples of exemplary efforts

Introduction of business establishments that carry out excellent initiatives

Notification of results such as on-site inspections for enlightenment

For establishments that conducted on-site inspections, etc., we use the evaluation items (PDF: 256KB) of the items pointed out if desired, and notify the results by the number of stars. Please use it as a performance indicator for employee education and daily efforts.

[Notice of on-site inspection, etc. for enlightenment]

About application

You can request the staff who conducted the on-site survey or apply from the Yokohama City Electronic Application and Notification System (outside site).
For details, please consult with the Resources and Waste Recycling Bureau Business Waste Management Section (045-671-3818).

Yokohama City Excellent 3R Activities Office (Abolished in FY2023)

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Inquiries to this page

Waste Management Division, Resources and Waste Recycling Bureau Business Waste Management Department

Phone: 045-671-3818

Phone: 045-671-3818

Fax: 045-663-0125

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 484-994-916


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