

The text is from here.

News from Yokohama City to facilities and businesses

On this page, Yokohama City updates and informs the facilities and businesses at any time.

Last updated on January 24, 2024.

COVID-19 Related Information

■COVID-19 infection Business Continuity Support Project Subsidy (for FY2023)


July 31

On July 31, 2023, Kintong notified the application procedure for supporting the COVID-19 infection Business Continuity Support Project.
The deadline for grant application and performance report is Thursday, December 7, 2023.
The application form differs depending on the target facility. Please be careful.

authorized child institution, kindergarten-type authorized child institution, community-based childcare business, Yokohama childcare room, unlicensed childcare facility, home-based non-licensed childcare facility operated by corporations, and sick childcare business:
Excel for application (grant application and performance report) (Excel: 577KB)
Attachment 1 2023 New Corona Infectious Disease Business Continuity Support Project Subsidy Application Manual (PDF: 917KB)
Attachment 2 About the facilities subject to the COVID-19 infection Business Continuity Support Project Subsidy for FY2023 and the concept of the maximum amount (PDF: 341KB)
Attachment 3 FAQ (PDF: 200KB)
Attachment 2023 COVID-19 infection Business Continuity Support Project Subsidy Upper Limit (Excel: 283KB)
<Submission destination>
①Electronic Application System (outside site)
"Yokohama-shi electronic application system" top page> List of procedures (for businesses)> Search "Application for Subsidy" in the keyword search window.> “Application for COVID-19 infection Business Continuity Support Project Subsidy for Nursery Schools in FY2023”
 〒231-0005 6-50-10, Honcho, Naka-ku, Yokohama-shi
 City of Yokohama, Child and Youth Bureau Childcare and Education Administration Division 2023 Covid-19 Subsidy
※①Application in accordance with 2 and 2 is required.

[Applicable facilities: Kindergarten]
Excel for application for kindergarten (grant application and performance report) (Excel: 406KB)
2023 New Corona Infectious Disease Business Continuity Support Project Subsidy Application Manual for Kindergarten (PDF: 759KB)
FAQ for kindergarten (PDF: 213KB)
<Kindergarten submission destination>
[email protected]
Nursery schools COVID-19 infection business continuation support project subsidy grant summary (PDF: 197KB)

■Subsidies to prevent the expansion of COVID-19 infection (for FY2022)

November 8, 2022

The application has been closed.
Facilities that cannot be applied from the electronic application system
・Excel for electronic application system (download below and create it)
・Application Exce
Please send [email protected]. In addition, please set the subject of the e-mail to "application number (4 digits) _ garden name_Excel for electronic application".
Excel for electronic application system (Excel: 13KB)

July 22

On July 22, we sent a notice to each childcare facility regarding assistance necessary to prevent the expansion of the COVID-19 infection in fiscal 2022.
The deadline for grant application and performance report is Monday, November 7, 2022.
Please submit it as soon as the application is ready.
The application form differs depending on the target facility. Please be careful.

authorized child institution, kindergarten-type authorized child institution, community-based childcare business, Yokohama childcare room, non-licensed childcare facilities, and home-based non-licensed childcare facilities operated by corporations:
Excel for application (grant application and performance report) (Excel: 461KB)
2022 COVID-19 spread subsidy application manual (PDF: 873KB)
<Submission destination>
①Electronic Application System (outside site)
How to apply (PDF: 907KB)
 〒231-0005 6-50-10, Honcho, Naka-ku, Yokohama-shi
 City of Yokohama, Child and Youth Bureau Childcare and Education Administration Division In charge of COVID-19 subsidy for FY2022
※①Application in accordance with 2 and 2 is required.
[Applicable facilities: Kindergarten]
Excel for application for kindergarten (grant application and performance report) (Excel: 52KB)
2022 New Corona Infectious Disease Spread Prevention Subsidy Application Manual for Kindergarten (PDF: 780KB)
FAQ for kindergarten (PDF: 203KB)
<Kindergarten submission destination>
[email protected]
Nursery schools, etc. COVID-19 infection expansion prevention measures business subsidy grant summary (PDF: 187KB)
[If you want to change the mailing address of the subsidy, etc.]
Please apply for the changed Address from the application form on the electronic application system.

June 9

[For nursery schools, etc.]
〇 For extension / temporary / sick / post-sick childcare business implementers (licensed nursery schools, etc.)
[For project implementers] Subsidies for Expenses Required for COVID-19 infection Measures (Preliminary Notice) (PDF: 709KB)
○For non-licensed childcare facilities
[For non-licensed childcare facilities] About assistance of expense necessary for COVID-19 infection measures (advance notice) (PDF: 659KB)
○For kindergartens
[for kindergarten] Subsidies for Expenses Required for COVID-19 infection Measures (Preliminary Notice) (PDF: 592KB)

Consumption tax purchase deductions related to COVID-19 infection subsidies
December 17, 2021

Regarding the COVID-19 infection subsidy issued by Yokohama City in fiscal 2020 (from April 1, 2020 to March 31, 2020), we have requested the submission of a report on the amount of tax deducted from consumption tax and local consumption tax.
Facilities and offices that have received the COVID-19 infection subsidy during the same period must be submitted.
For more information, please refer to the following URL.

※Questions about the contents of the consumption tax itself, such as whether or not there is a final income tax return or how to calculate the tax payment amount, cannot be answered in Yokohama City. Please contact the tax office in charge or refer to the tax Answer ( (external site)) on the NTA website.

Subsidies to prevent the expansion of COVID-19 infection (for FY2021)



July 9

On July 9, we sent a notice stating the maximum amount of money to each childcare facility regarding assistance necessary to prevent the expansion of COVID-19 infection in fiscal 2021.
The deadline for grant application and performance report is Friday, January 7, 2022.
Please submit it as soon as the application is ready.
The application form differs depending on the target facility. Please be careful.
authorized child institution, kindergarten-type authorized child institution, community-based childcare business, Yokohama childcare room, non-licensed childcare facilities, and home-based non-licensed childcare facilities operated by corporations:
Grant application and performance report (Excel: 72KB)
Preparation manual and FAQ (PDF: 846KB)
A document (word: 25KB) used when a receipt other than the name of the garden or corporation, such as a personal name, has been issued.
・Submission: [email protected]
※In principle, please submit by e-mail using the above Excel file.
※If it is difficult to submit by e-mail, you can use this grant application and performance report (Excel: 65KB).
[Applicable facilities: Kindergarten]
・Grant application for kindergarten and results report (Excel: 42KB)
・Submission of kindergarten: [email protected]
Nursery schools, etc. COVID-19 infection expansion prevention measures business subsidy grant summary (PDF: 461KB)
[If you want to change the mailing address of the subsidy, etc.]
Please fill out the Excel sheet of the “Grant Application and Results Report” or submit the “Notification of Change of Mail Address of COVID-19 infection Expansion Prevention Measures Business Subsidy for Nursery Schools (Word: 14KB) (Word)” Please send it together.

〇 For licensed nursery schools
About assistance of expense necessary for COVID-19 infection measures (advance notice) (PDF: 671KB)
〇 For kindergartens
Subsidies for Expenses Required for COVID-19 infection Measures (Preliminary Notice) (PDF: 670KB)

■Childcare facility resumption support subsidy for COVID-19 infection, Yokohama City
June 6, 2022Due to the change in the handling of closed facilities from June 6, 2022, the operation of the closed facility resumption subsidy will be suspended.
May 11, 2022

[For facilities whose closing date is after April 1, 2022, please check the following contents. ]
Subsidy system outline flyer (PDF: 400KB) (facilities with closed days after April 1, 2022)
Application style (Excel: 47KB) (facilities whose closing date is before April 1, 2022)
※The application form has been updated on May 11, 2022.
FAQ (PDF: 308KB) (Facilities whose closing date is before April 1, 2022)
Receipt for PCR test (Excel: 11KB) ※If the garden pays the expenses incurred when the staff undergoes a PCR test at their own expense at the facility covered by the subsidy, in addition to the receipt issued by the hospital as the attached documents of the subsidy application form, a “document to the staff” prepared by the facility is required. Please use this template for documents created by the facility.

January 20, 2021

[For facilities whose closing date is before March 31, 2022, please check the following contents. ]
Establishment of subsidies for closing due to COVID-19 (known) (PDF: 63KB)
Subsidy system summary handbill (PDF: 312KB) (facilities whose closing date is before March 31, 2022)
Application style (Excel: 50KB) (facilities whose closing date is before March 31, 2022)
Receipt for PCR test (Excel: 11KB) ※If the garden pays the expenses incurred when the staff undergoes a PCR test at their own expense at the facility covered by the subsidy, in addition to the receipt issued by the hospital as the attached documents of the subsidy application form, a “document to the staff” prepared by the facility is required. Please use this template for documents created by the facility.
FAQ (Facilities whose closing date is before March 31, 2021) (PDF: 236KB)

Priority vaccination for workers at COVID-19 Vaccine Welfare Facilities, etc.



February 10, 2022

About the third inoculation of COVID-19 vaccine for staff such as childcare, education facilities
For those who have not received the vaccination coupons for the third vaccination, those who have passed 6 months from the date of the second vaccination, even those who have not received the staff of childcare and educational facilities (limited to those who live in Yokohama City).
For more information, please refer to the following document.
・About the third vaccination of COVID-19 vaccine for staff such as childcare and educational facilities (notification)
・Engagement certificate model (reference)
・Certificate of Engagement (Example)
・Q & A about the third vaccination

July 16, 2021

Expansion of the target of priority vaccination for COVID-19 vaccine at the group vaccination venue in Yokohama
The number of priority vaccinations at the group vaccination venue has been expanded to include daycare centers and other workers.
For more information, please refer to the following document.
About expansion of target of priority vaccination of new corona vaccine to group vaccination venue in Yokohama (notice) (PDF: 173KB)
List of venues in group vaccination (PDF: 90KB)
Engagement certificate model (reference) (word: 20KB)
Engagement certificate (Entry example) (PDF: 207KB)
Q & A regarding priority vaccination (PDF: 112KB)
How to write a pre-examination card (PDF: 156KB)

  • How to make a reservation
    Based on the information enclosed in vaccination coupons, each person receiving the vaccination should make a reservation using the "Reservation Site" or "Reservation Center Telephone" of Motoichi.
    ※You can make reservations for some medical institutions from the city's reservation site and telephone, but be sure to select the group vaccination venue.
    Reservation-only site (external link) (external site)
    Reservation Center Telephone 0120-045-112 (9:00 to 19:00 every day)

   〇 Vaccination venue Kanagawa Preventive Medicine Association
    Nihon Odori Building, 58 Nihon Odori, Naka-ku, Yokohama City, Kanagawa Prefecture
   〇 Period From Friday, August 13 to Friday, September 24
    From 15:00 to 16:30 (excluding weekends and holidays)
    ※You can already make a reservation.

July 14, 2021

Priority vaccination of COVID-19 vaccine for workers at welfare facilities in Kanagawa Prefecture

・Click here for the Kanagawa Vaccination Special Site (Reservation starts at 10:00 am on July 14, 2021)

 → (outside site)

※7/14 A password is required until 10:00 and cannot be accepted, so 10:00.
Please wait for me.

Priority vaccination handbill of COVID-19 vaccine by Kanagawa (PDF: 207KB)

・Contact information regarding this matter

 <Kanagawa Call Center >> 0570-55-0638 (from July 15 to 9:00 to 17:00 on weekdays)

※Initially, the call center was opened on July 14, but has changed.

 <<Special Site Inquiry Form >> (24 hours)

July 12

Priority vaccination of COVID-19 vaccine for workers at welfare facilities in Kanagawa Prefecture

[Reservation start] From 10:00 on Wednesday, July 14, 2021 (opening of special site)

 ※As soon as the special site in Kanagawa Prefecture is opened, it will be linked from this page.

・Inoculation period From Saturday, July 17, Reiwa 3 to Thursday, September 30 (planned)

 For more details, please refer to the attached document.

 About priority vaccination of workers such as COVID-19 vaccine welfare facilities by Kanagawa (PDF: 139KB)

 (Attachment) News from Kanagawa Prefecture (PDF: 121KB)

※Yokohama City does not know the details other than the information listed in the attached materials, so please contact the call center established by Kanagawa Prefecture directly.

Subsidies for measures to prevent the expansion of COVID-19 infection (additional in FY2020)



February 22

〇 For approximate payment facilities
[Approximate payment] No. 4 2 Style_Result Report (Word: 24KB)
[Approximate payment] Example of performance report (PDF: 2,186KB)
〇 For final payment facilities
[For final payment] No. 6 style_Bill (word: 23KB)
[For final payment] Example of Invoice (PDF: 555KB)

January 20

※This is a guide for facilities that applied for or changed the additional subsidy for 2020 in December or received a notification of grant decision in January.
About submission of bills (for facilities that received change grant decision) (PDF: 439KB)
About submission of bills (for facilities that received grant decision) (PDF: 439KB)
[Attachment] <Determined in January> Creation and submission of invoices and performance reports for additional COVID-19 subsidies for FY2020 (PDF: 2,113KB)
※Click here for the style
<Determined in January> Invoice for approximate payment (word: 23KB)
<Determined in January> Results Report (Word: 26KB)

December 21

Submission of documents related to the COVID-19 Infection Prevention Measures Project Subsidy for FY2020 (Request) (PDF: 568KB)
[Attachment 1] About procedure of final payment (PDF: 1,445KB)
[Form] Final payment _Result Report (Word: 25KB)
[Attachment 2] About procedure of approximate payment (PDF: 1,155KB)
[Form] Approximate payment_Invoice (word: 22KB)

December 17

About change procedure of application contents of COVID-19 infection prevention measures business subsidy for additional 2020 and start of re-acceptance of application (notice) (PDF: 186KB)

Click here to apply for a change grant.

[Attachment 1] About change application procedure (creation guidance, entry example) (PDF: 273KB)

[Form] Change grant application (word: 23KB)

Click here for new applications.

[Attachment 2] About additional application (new application) procedure (creation guide, entry example) (PDF: 1,481KB)

[Form] Grant application (word: 17KB)

November 13

About application procedure of COVID-19 infection prevention measures business subsidy for additional 2020 (Notice) (PDF: 295KB)
(Attachment 1) Notes on the application form (PDF: 510KB)
(Attachment 2) Application Check Form (PDF: 167KB)
(Attachment 3) FAQ(PDF:304KB)

October 28

About application procedure of COVID-19 infection prevention measures business subsidy for additional 2020 (request) (PDF: 473KB)
(Attachment 1) Subsidy grant procedure (PDF: 2,515KB)
(Attachment 2) FAQ (PDF: 148KB)
Yokohama-shi new Korovirus infection spread prevention measures business subsidy grant summary (PDF: 494KB)
Collection of styles (word: 32KB)

Subsidies to prevent the expansion of COVID-19 infection (for fiscal 2020)



October 28

※11/10 Notes for Completion of Performance Report
When purchasing or outsourcing goods, in principle, if the payment amount per case (one contract) is expected to be 1 million yen or more, "bid" or "two or more people" Collection of quotes "is required. Please attach a quote to the performance report.
About submission of performance report concerning COVID-19 infection expansion prevention subsidy for FY2020 (request) (PDF: 18KB)
(Attachment 1 and Attachment 2) Subsidy performance report procedure and FAQ (PDF: 262KB)
Performance report style (word: 24KB)

September 1

※9/8 (Attachment 1) We revised entry example (page 7) of "about grant procedure of subsidy" and application (first style) of collection of styles.
About "contents of 1 supporting business (5) expense necessary for the staff to carry out duties continuously while planning thorough infectious disease measures" of application (first style), "2020 Please do not select because it is not eligible for the subsidy of "for the year". (Only "Additional FY2020" is eligible.)
If you have already submitted your application, you do not need to correct it.
We apologize for the wrong guidance.
About application procedure of COVID-19 infection expansion prevention measures subsidy in 2020 (request) (PDF: 368KB)
(Attachment 1) Subsidy grant procedure (PDF: 1,049KB)
(Attachment 2) FAQ (PDF: 156KB)
COVID-19 infection expansion prevention measures subsidy grant summary by Yokohama-shi child welfare facilities (PDF: 178KB)
Collection of styles (word: 29KB)

August 26

※ Information on application procedures and future schedules is scheduled for late August for "2020" and around October for "2020 additional". If you have any questions, please contact us.
FY2020 COVID-19 infection Expansion Prevention Measures Subsidy (Preliminary Notice) (PDF: 181KB)


Date Contents
March 25

We sent the 2022 edition of "Notes when operating facilities and businesses", "Prevention and accident response", and various flyers for serious accident prevention.
Notification (PDF: 115KB) for specific education and childcare facilities and specific area-type childcare business
Notification to Yokohama Nursery Room (PDF: 113KB)
Notification to non-licensed childcare facilities (PDF: 117KB)
Notes (PDF: 8,655KB)
Accident prevention and accident response (PDF: 2,173KB)

February 18 Submission of 2022 Important Matters Instructions (Request) (PDF: 433KB)
December 3

<About safety management during childcare>
Notification to childcare and educational facilities (PDF: 203KB)

November 2

About nursery teacher placement of branch garden on basic unit price of official price (notice) (PDF: 201KB)
About nursery teacher placement of branch garden on basic unit price of official price (explanatory drawing) (PDF: 425KB)
※Notification was made only to facilities that have branch gardens as of November 2, 2021.

October 15

<Safety Management of Playground Equipment>
Notification to childcare and educational facilities (PDF: 304KB)
(Excerpt) Guidelines for Ensuring the Safety of Playground Equipment in city park (PDF: 875KB)
We ask that you reconfirm the contents of the notice, such as the safety inspection of playground equipment and the safety confirmation of the elementary school student.

October 6

About the handling of "subtraction adjustment when closing on Saturday" at official price (PDF: 109KB)


<About safety management at the time of entering and leaving the park and during childcare>
Notification to childcare and educational facilities (PDF: 277KB)
At each facility, we ask that you reconfirm the contents of the notice regarding the system and method of safety confirmation such as shuttle buses.

July 26

<Notification to Facilities> About correspondence of nursery schools (*) at the time of emergency disaster (flood and flood damage) (PDF: 444KB)

※Nursery school, authorized child institution (use of childcare), community-based childcare business, Yokohama childcare room (0-2 years old class)

This notice is a revision of a part of the notice on July 3, 2020, following the enforcement of the revised Basic Act on Disaster Countermeasures on May 20, 2021. A marker is drawn on the corrections.
July 6

About recommendation of 2021 mayor commendation candidate (PDF: 213KB)
Recommendation Letter (Excel: 11KB)
Example of description (PDF: 89KB)
Request for the preparation of a recommendation letter (PDF: 81KB)
Year chart (PDF: 165KB)

May 28

We sent about "Notes when operating facilities and businesses", "Prevention and accident response", and various flyers to prevent serious accidents.
Notification (PDF: 131KB) for specific education and childcare facilities and specific area-type childcare business
Notification to Yokohama Nursery Room (PDF: 128KB)
Notification to unlicensed childcare facilities (PDF: 133KB)
Notes (PDF: 22,033KB)
Accident prevention and accident response (PDF: 2,826KB)

April 13

About style change of accident report in specific education, childcare facilities (notification) (PDF: 131KB)
Accident Report (Excel: 771KB)
In the following cases, please submit an accident report to each ward office Children and Families Support Division.
(1) fatal accident
(2) Serious injury (injuries, illnesses and unconsciousness required for treatment of 30 days or more)
(3) Cases such as leaving or missing
(4) Cases such as suspicious individual intrusion, theft, etc.
(5) (1)Child and Youth Bureau, ward office, or nursery school did not fall under (2) but decided that a report was necessary.
The case


Date Contents
February 2 About voice distribution of briefing session for company (2021 change briefing session) (notification) (PDF: 194KB)
January 8 About briefing session (voice distribution) for new opening in 2021 for childcare, educational facilities, and businesses (notification) (PDF: 208KB)
November 25

Safety of playground equipment
Notice (PDF: 298KB)
Attachment: About security of playground equipment installed in school (Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology office work communication on November 4, 2020) (PDF: 521KB)

November 25

Implementation of the Month for Strengthening Prevention of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) in 2020
Notification for each education and childcare facility (PDF: 141KB)
Notification for Yokohama Nursery Rooms and Non-licensed Childcare Facilities (PDF: 291KB)
Notification for sick childcare business implementation companies (PDF: 141KB)
Attachment 1: About implementation of 2020 sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) measures reinforcement month (PDF: 577KB)
Attachment 2: Thorough implementation of safety measures at elementary school student in childcare facilities (requests and information provision) (PDF: 540KB)

November 19

About "subtraction adjustment when closing on Saturday" at official price
Authorized nursery school authorized child institution (PDF: 236KB)
Regional childcare business (PDF: 237KB)

November 19 About handling such as "nutrition management addition" at official price (PDF: 219KB)
September 11②

[About holding training such as organization management for childcare and facility managers in 2020]
<The application period has been extended! Please apply by all means>
〆…Saturday, October 17
1 Guidance,
2 Risk Management
3 Organization Management
4 group work
In principle, you will need to receive all of the above.
Notice and Application Guidelines (PDF: 865KB)
[Application form] For facility managers and directors (outside site)
[Application form] For corporate managers, etc. (only guidance can be taken) (external site)

September 11①

[This is a transfer course for "Organization Management" which was canceled in FY2019]
※Only those who applied last year and whose holding has been canceled can apply.
※You can only take this course.
※The application period has been extended. Deadline Saturday, October 17
Notice and Application Guidelines (PDF: 674KB)
[Application Form] For those who have canceled the workshop you applied for last year (outside site)

August 20

About recommendation of 2020 mayor commendation candidate (PDF: 222KB)
Recommendation Letter (Excel: 11KB)
Example of description (PDF: 55KB)
Request for the preparation of a recommendation letter (PDF: 110KB)
Year chart (PDF: 163KB)

August 19

<Procedures for changing the e-mail address for contact from Yokohama City>
・About procedure of change of email address (notification) (PDF: 200KB)
・[Attachment] About procedure of email address change (PDF: 372KB)

July 3

<Notification to the facility 1> About correspondence such as nursery schools at the time of emergency disaster (flood and flood damage) (PDF: 450KB)
Notice to parents (for those who use facilities located in the landslide warning area or inundation area due to floods, etc.) (PDF: 277KB) / Hiragana ruby version (PDF: 210KB)
Notice to parents (for those who use facilities other than facilities located in the landslide warning area or inundation area due to floods, etc.) (PDF: 275KB) / Hiragana ruby version (PDF: 190KB)
<Notification to the facility 2> About communication to facility at night, Sunday at the time of emergency disaster (wind and flood damage) occurrence (request) (PDF: 268KB)

June 30

<Prevention of accidents when pool activities and playing in the water>
Notice to Authorized Nursery Schools (PDF: 89KB)
Notice to authorized child institution (PDF: 87KB)
Notice (PDF: 324KB) for Yokohama Nursery Rooms and Non-licensed Nursery Schools
Please refer to the following reference materials and work for safety measures.
National notice (Prevention of accidents when pool activities and playing in the water at education and childcare facilities (notification)) (PDF: 178KB)
Attachment 1…About accident prevention such as swimming (notice) (PDF: 1,408KB)
Attachment 2…Points for pool activities and water play monitoring (PDF: 2,314KB)
Attachment 3…Checklist on pool activities and playing in the water (PDF: 240KB)
Reference Material 1…[Administrative communication] QA for responding to COVID-19 at daycare centers (Fifth report) (as of May 29, 2020) (PDF: 352KB)
Reference Material 2…[Office contact] About handling such as swimming instruction of school in this year (PDF: 189KB)
Reference Material 3…[Office Contact] About the handling of pool activities in authorized child institution this year (PDF: 202KB)

June 30

<Prevention of the heat stroke Accident>
Notice to Authorized Nursery Schools (PDF: 286KB)
Notice to authorized child institution (PDF: 287KB)
Notice (PDF: 249KB) for Yokohama Nursery Rooms and Non-licensed Nursery Schools
Please refer to the following page and reference materials to work for safety measures.
About Yokohama-shi child health, safety "heat measures"
○Ministry of the Environment
heat stroke Prevention Information Site (outside site)
・“heat stroke Environmental Health Manual 2018 (outside site)” (revised in March 2018, Ministry of the Environment)
○Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology
Sports Agency Policy Division School Gymnasium Office Office Liaison on May 21, 2020 "Necessity of wearing masks in school physical education classes" (outside site)
Hygiene Management Manual on COVID-19 infection in Schools-"New School Lifestyle"-(2020.5.22Ver.1) (outside site)
School safety education at schools that nurture the ability to live (revised in March 2019) (outside site)
○Japan Sports Promotion Center
・“heat stroke Response Flow (outside site)” (poster) (March 2019)
heat stroke Prevention in Physical Education Activities Research Report (outside site) (March 2014)

June 15

How to conduct patrol visits to prevent serious accidents in FY2020
Notification to licensed gardens, small-scale childcare business, and nursery cooperative authorized child institution (PDF: 377KB)
Notification to Yokohama Nursery Room (PDF: 383KB)
Notification to unlicensed childcare facilities (PDF: 413KB)
<Questionnaire response method>
The questionnaire can be answered from the following URL in addition to using the enclosed reply envelope.
Questionnaire response form (outside site)
We sent patrol visit Tsushin (PDF: 740KB) (please use for notice in garden or training in garden)
Questionnaire form sent (word: 1,045KB) (If you submit on paper, please use a reply envelope)
・Booklets and flyers asking questions in the questionnaire
Booklet: Accident prevention and accident response (PDF: 2,508KB)
Flyer: Points for Breath Check (PDF: 786KB)
Flyer: Points for near-miss incidents (PDF: 846KB)
Leaflet: Checklist for better childcare (PDF: 2,195KB)
Flyer: Let's prevent aspiration ingestion (PDF: 2,365KB)

June 8

Safety of playground equipment (notification) (PDF: 185KB)
About security of playground equipment installed in school (Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology office work communication on June 4, 2020) (PDF: 2,825KB)

May 22

About supplementary benefit business pertaining to actual cost collection (guidance of system common knowledge) (PDF: 345KB)


Date Contents
March 26

About style change of accident report in specific education, childcare facilities (notification) (PDF: 126KB)
The format of the accident report used when an accident occurs in a childcare / educational facility has been updated.
Please use the following form in the future.
Accident Report (Excel: 770KB)

March 17

About actual cost collection, specific burden in kindergarten, authorized child institution which shifted to new child, child care support system (notification, attachment 1, attachment 3) (PDF: 567KB)

Important matter manual attachment actual cost collection (model) style and entry example (Attachment 2) (Excel: 18KB)

Actual cost collection accounting report style and entry example (reference style) (Excel: 17KB)

March 17

About the handling of actual cost collection about bedding in nursery school and local childcare business (office communication) (PDF: 601KB)

March 16

Response to the review of “Adjustment of subtraction when closing on Saturday” at the official price (notification)

Authorized nursery school authorized child institution (PDF: 234KB)

Regional childcare business (PDF: 236KB)

March 13

About change of address, Phone number of payment documents with city hall move (notice) (PDF: 193KB)

March 9

Checklist for better childcare (PDF: 2,195KB)
The above pamphlet will be sent with a flyer enclosed in the material for the change briefing and sent in the future.
Childcare professionals and childcare sharing, who are childcare professionals, raise awareness of "respect for children" and "human rights protection of children", which are important in childcare, and look back on their own childcare. Created for the purpose.
In addition, self-checks to see if they are conducting “childcare with children left behind” or “childcare for the convenience of childcare” without being conscious, and use them at meetings and training in the park, etc. Let's aim to improve the quality of childcare.

March 5

About "Notes when operating facilities and businesses" and "Prevention and accident response"
Notification to licensed gardens (PDF: 58KB), Notification to Yokohama Nursery Room (PDF: 56KB), Notification to unlicensed childcare facilities (PDF: 65KB)
※Of the following materials, 1 and 2 are sent every year. In the daily garden management, please confirm the matters to be noted again.
About notes when we run facility, business (PDF: 11,859KB)
About accident prevention and accident response (PDF: 2,508KB)
About patrol visit for serious accident prevention (flyer) (PDF: 158KB)
Points for brace check (flyer) (PDF: 402KB)
Points for near-miss hats (flyer) (PDF: 846KB)

March 4 About correspondence with cancellation of briefing session for company (2020 change briefing session) (notification) (PDF: 172KB)
March 4 About those who have completed child care support staff training (local childcare course <regional childcare>) (notice) (PDF: 226KB) subject to "exceptions pertaining to the placement of nursery teachers during times when elementary school student is small, such as morning and evening"
February 21

About correspondence of childcare, education-related events related to prevention of spread of COVID-19 infection (notification) (PDF: 650KB)
1 Cancellation of events hosted by Motoichi
2 Infection prevention at events organized by each facility
3 Measures against infectious diseases in childcare and educational facilities

February 19

About recruitment of model gardens pertaining to dispatch of work style reform consultants
Notice of authorized nursery school, nursery school cooperation type authorization child institution (PDF: 122KB)
(Attachment) Kanagawa Prefecture Notice (PDF: 110KB)
(Attachment) Business Overview (PDF: 142KB)
Model Garden Application Form (Excel: 12KB)

February 18

About alert about child suffocation accident by food
Notice (PDF: 130KB)
Reference "Guidelines for Preventing Accidents in Education and Childcare Facilities and Response to Accidents" (PDF: 1,445KB)
Reference "Beware of children's suffocation accidents caused by food! (Consumer Affairs Agency) (PDF: 610KB)

January 28

About holding of briefing session for business operators (2020 change briefing session) (notification)
Authorized nursery schools, kindergartens and authorized child institution (PDF: 505KB)
Small-scale childcare business, in-house childcare business (PDF: 408KB)
Home-based childcare business (PDF: 519KB)
→February 21 "Response to Childcare and Education-related Events Related to Prevent the Spread of COVID-19 Infection (Notice)" will be switched from the venue to audio distribution.

January 27

Revision of the model of the important matter manual, operation rules and usage contract, and submission of the 2020 important matter manual (PDF: 219KB)

January 27 About Saturday joint childcare (PDF: 382KB)
January 27

About 2020 "holiday childcare" and "temporary childcare on holidays" (approved nursery schools, authorized child institution, small-scale childcare business type AB, in-house childcare business) (PDF: 693KB)
About temporary childcare use guidance of holiday childcare, holiday in 2020 (home-based childcare business, small-scale childcare business type C) (PDF: 560KB)

December 6

About report of damage related to disaster after September, 2019 (request) (word: 300KB)
About way of thinking of subsidy and future schedule (word: 22KB)
After confirming the above requests, etc.
Consultation (Excel: 15KB)
Download, create it, and submit it to the address below.
※Please attach a map of the disaster location in red. When attaching a photo, please attach a number compared to the map.
(Please send photos so that the total is 3MB or less. Emails of 3MB or more may not be received. )
Destination address: [email protected]

November 28

We have released a template of the outline version of the evacuation security plan for facility posting.
<Summary of Evacuation Securing Plan for Posting Facilities>
Outline of evacuation plan for facility posting (flood, high tides) (word: 33KB)
Outline of evacuation plan for facility posting (flood high tides]) (PDF: 184KB)
Evacuation securing plan summary version (earth and sand) for facility bulletin board (word: 33KB)
Evacuation securing plan summary version (earth and sand) for facility bulletin board (PDF: 122KB)
<How to describe the outline version of the evacuation plan for posting facilities>
Outline of evacuation plan for facility posting (Inundation [Flood / high tides]) (PDF: 252KB)
Evacuation securing plan summary version description method (earth and sand) for facility bulletin board (PDF: 236KB)
<Evacuation Plan>
Models and Manuals

November 18

About holding of briefing session for new opening childcare, educational facilities, company in 2020 (notification)
Authorized nursery school, authorized child institution, small-scale childcare business, home-based childcare business (PDF: 509KB)
Kindergarten (PDF: 568KB)

October 18

About report of damage to affect disaster (PDF: 90KB)
Please check the request form and report it by mail.

October 18

About publicity of "implementation of 2019 sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) measures reinforcement month" (PDF: 137KB)
Attachment 1: About implementation of 2019 sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) measures reinforcement month (PDF: 1,018KB)
Attachment 2: Thorough implementation of safety measures at elementary school student in childcare facilities (requests and information provision) (PDF: 377KB)

October 10

Response to Typhoon No. 19
Notice (licensed garden, nursery school cooperation type authorized child institution, community type childcare business, Yokohama nursery room) (PDF: 176KB)
Notice (Non-licensed childcare facilities) (PDF: 179KB)
Form for Reporting (Excel: 14KB) ※Please submit it to Children and Families Support Division in the ward where you are located.

September 30

Revision of official prices from October 2019 due to the increase in the consumption tax rate and the free provision of early childhood education and childcare (notification) (PDF: 607KB)
September 27 Implementation of "Special provisions pertaining to the placement of nursery teachers during times when elementary school student is small in morning and evening" (Notice) (PDF: 436KB)
September 6

About workshop such as organization management for childcare, education facility manager
Application page (outside site)
When applying, please check the information (PDF: 128KB) and the holding guidelines (PDF: 307KB) mailed to each facility before entering.
<Application has been closed.>

August 14

Survey on the status of qualification ownership of staff (request)
You can answer from the link below.
Answer page (outside site)

July 19

Prevention of heat stroke Accidents
Notice to Authorized Garden (PDF: 137KB) / Notice to authorized child institution (PDF: 138KB) / Notice to Kindergarten (PDF: 139KB)
(Reference) Guidelines for "Heat Measures" in childcare and educational facilities in Yokohama City (PDF: 461KB)
(Reference) The following are heat stroke Prevention Leaflets
Leaflet for people with disabilities (PDF: 912KB)
English leaflet (PDF: 251KB) / Korean leaflet (PDF: 284KB) / Chinese (Simplified) leaflet (PDF: 327KB) / Chinese (Traditional) leaflet (PDF: 355KB) /
(Reference) Cool Work Campaign Leaflet (English version (PDF: 276KB) / Japanese version (PDF: 551KB))

July 10

About recommendation of candidate of Kanagawa childcare prize in 2019 (nursery school, nursery school cooperation type authorized child institution) (PDF: 232KB)
The recommendation form is posted on the website of Kanagawa Prefecture.
( (external site))

July 10

About approach of safety measures at the time of out-of-park activity that received traffic accident in Otsu-shi
Request (PDF: 279KB)
Application page (outside site)
※When applying, it is necessary to upload the name of the facility, the name of the Address and the name of the road where the installation and renovation are required, the details of the installation and renovation, and the site photo that can identify the location. Please prepare and fill in the form.
About road name, we can search from "Yokohama no Michi" (outside site). (Reference: Yokohama Michi search method (PDF: 1,384KB))
There are many input items and we apologize for any inconvenience, but we ask for your cooperation in accurately identifying and confirming the location where you applied.
At the time of input, the attached sheet “Basic Concept of Safety Facility Maintenance (PDF: 103KB)” and
Road and Highway Bureau's website (
Please check the "School Zone Activities Bookmarks" and "School Road Safety Inspection Handbook".

July 9

The Cabinet Office, the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, etc. notified the points to keep in mind when conducting activities outside the park.
<For certified children's schools>
(Notification) Thorough safety management in childcare in authorized child institution (PDF: 200KB)
(Attachment) Notes on safety management during out-of-park activities in authorized child institution (PDF: 223KB)
(Reference) Walking plan (Excel: 11KB)
<For other licensed gardens, regional type, non-licensed childcare facilities, etc.>
(Notification) About thorough safety management in childcare in nursery schools (PDF: 185KB)
(Attachment) Notes on matters to be considered regarding safety management during out-of-school activities at daycare centers (PDF: 207KB)
(Reference) Walking plan (Excel: 11KB)

July 9

Provision of disaster prevention information with five levels of alertness (Notice) (PDF: 101KB)
(Attachment) Flyer (PDF: 392KB)

July 4

Prevention of accidents when playing pool activities and playing in the water
Notification to licensed gardens (PDF: 105KB) / Notification to authorized child institution (PDF: 106KB) / Notification to kindergarten (PDF: 107KB)
Notification of pool accidents by the Cabinet Office, etc. (PDF: 164KB)
Notification of Sports Agency (PDF: 1,205KB)
Checklist (PDF: 1,035KB)

June 21 About recommendation of 2019 mayor commendation candidate (PDF: 655KB) (nursery school, nursery school cooperation type authorized child institution, small-scale childcare business)
May 31 About precautions at the time of staff recruitment (notification) (PDF: 129KB)
May 27

About questionnaire about briefing session for company (request) (PDF: 350KB)
※Questionnaire response form (outside site)

May 27 About Supplementary Benefit Business (PDF: 322KB)
May 9 About thorough safety check at the time of out-of-park activity that received traffic accident in Otsu-shi (notification) (PDF: 117KB)


Notice for Fiscal 2018 (Heisei 30)


March 25

Regarding the organizational management course held in 2018, although you applied for it, only facilities that have refused to attend the organizational management section and risk management section due to the number of seats have been notified of additional holding. Has been sent.
Please apply from the link below.
Application for Organization Management (Outside Site)
Application for Risk Management (External Site)

March 20

About actual cost collection in nursery school and local childcare business (notice) (PDF: 337KB)
Actual cost collection style and entry example for attaching important matter description (Excel: 18KB)
Actual cost collection accounting report style and entry example (Excel: 15KB)

March 13 ・We sent "Notes on operating facilities and businesses" and "About accident prevention and accident response" to facilities eligible for payment.
Notification to facilities eligible for payment (word: 15KB)
・We sent "about accident prevention and accident response" to unlicensed childcare facilities and Yokohama childcare facilities. .
Notification to unlicensed childcare facilities (word: 14KB)
Notification to Yokohama Nursery Room (word: 14KB)
About notes when we run facility, business (PDF: 9,696KB)
About accident prevention and accident response (PDF: 1,368KB)
February 20

About emergency inspection pertaining to cases suspected child abuse (request for answer)

January 21

About holding of change briefing session in FY2019
Notice of holding of nursery school, kindergarten, authorized child institution (PDF: 505KB)
Notice of holding of small-scale childcare business, childcare business in establishment (PDF: 407KB)
Notice of holding of home-based childcare business (PDF: 523KB)

January 21 About "holiday childcare" and "temporary childcare on holidays" in FY2019 (request) (approved nursery schools, authorized child institution, small-scale childcare business type AB, in-house childcare business) (PDF: 765KB)
January 21 About use guidance of temporary childcare of holiday childcare, holiday in 2019 (request) (home-based childcare business, small-scale childcare business type C) (PDF: 635KB)
January 21 About Saturday joint childcare (PDF: 306KB)
December 14

About questionnaire survey for accident prevention in childcare facility (request) (PDF: 57KB)
Please cooperate with the questionnaire survey to prevent accidents at childcare facilities.

November 28

About publicity of "implementation of 2018 sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) measures reinforcement month" (PDF: 136KB)
Attachment 1: About conduct of 2018 sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) measures reinforcement month (PDF: 998KB)
Attachment 2: Thorough implementation of safety measures at elementary school student in childcare facilities (requests and information provision) (PDF: 377KB)

November 20

About evacuation securing plan and summary version making request, briefing session holding notice (PDF: 460KB)
※Not sent to all facilities and offices.
<Summary Version>
Evacuation securing plan summary version (flooding) for facility posting (word: 28KB)
Evacuation securing plan summary version (earth and sand) for facility bulletin board (word: 29KB)
Evacuation securing plan summary version description method (flooding) for facility posting (word: 47KB)
Evacuation securing plan summary version description method (earth and sand) for facility bulletin board (word: 45KB)
<Evacuation Plan>
General Affairs Bureau Crisis Management Office HP

November 15

About holding of briefing session for new opening childcare, educational facilities, company in 2019 (notification)
Notice of holding of authorized nursery school, authorized child institution, small-scale childcare business, home-based childcare business (PDF: 508KB)
Notice of holding of kindergarten (PDF: 567KB)

November 2

About organizational management training for childcare facility managers (organization management) and organizational management training for childcare facility managers (risk management)
Organization Management (Word: 524KB)
Risk Management (Word: 184KB)

September 20

About organization management training (guidance) for childcare facility managers (word: 27KB)
Organization management course (guidance) Holding guidelines (word: 1,228KB)
※The seminars to be held on November 1 and December 4 have been closed because the number of applicants has reached the capacity. Please consider participating in Tuesday, January 22, which was decided to be held in addition.
※The event will be held on Tuesday, January 22 at Minami public hall (2-33 Urafunecho, Minami-ku, Yokohama City (in the Minami Ward Office General Government Building)).

August 10

About questionnaire about conduct effect of ICT promotion business (PDF: 188KB)
Please respond to the questionnaire (Excel: 15KB).

July 20

About announcement of food poisoning warning and outbreak of food poisoning, infectious disease in city childcare facility (notification) (PDF: 1,411KB)
Nursery school (PDF: 211KB)
authorized child institution (PDF: 211KB)
Kindergarten (PDF: 213KB)
Leaflet (PDF: 1,240KB)

July 18

About recommendation of candidate of Kanagawa childcare prize in 2018 (nursery school, nursery school cooperation type authorized child institution) (PDF: 228KB)
The recommendation form is posted on the website of Kanagawa Prefecture. (external site)

July 18 Guidance of sick child care, post-sick child care (PDF: 504KB) (facilities and businesses eligible for all benefits)
July 18 About style change of accident report in specific education, childcare facilities (PDF: 226KB) (all facilities targeted for payment, target)
July 17 About publicity of bicycle rule for infants protector (PDF: 4,480KB)
July 10

About investigation about the utilization situation such as the acquisition of kindergarten teacher's license

  • Regarding the overall survey: Counselor, Child and Child Care Division, Cabinet Office (Child, Child-rearing Support Section)
    • 03-625-1468
  • Regarding the questionnaire (nursery schools): Counselor, Child and Child Care Division, Cabinet Office (in charge of authorized child institution)
    • 03-6734-2714
June 29

About prevention of accident when we perform pool activity, water play (PDF: 119KB)
National Notice (PDF: 208KB)

June 27

Implementation of budget execution survey
※Only the target facilities and offices are sent.
Nursery school questionnaire (Excel: 209KB)
Kindergarten Survey Form (Excel: 143KB)
authorized child institution Survey Form (Excel: 228KB)
Small-scale childcare business questionnaire (Excel: 176KB)
Home-based childcare business questionnaire (Excel: 107KB)
Please submit the questionnaire to [email protected].

June 25

About recommendation of mayor commendation candidate (PDF: 682KB) (nursery school, nursery school cooperation type authorized child institution, small-scale childcare business)

June 25

About the setting situation such as block walls in facility site (PDF: 499KB) (nursery school, nursery school cooperation type authorized child institution, small-scale childcare business, home-based childcare business, in-house childcare business)

June 8 About notice of promotion campaign poster of "let's drink water for health" (PDF: 700KB) (for authorized child institution)
May 15 Prevention of heat stroke Accidents (PDF: 2,405KB) (authorized child institution)
May 11

2018 training plan (PDF: 189KB) (local childcare business)
In-service training attendance record book (PDF: 85KB)
2018 home-based childcare worker introduction training (home-based childcare business) (PDF: 148KB)
2018 home-based childcare worker in-service training (small childcare business type C) (PDF: 145KB)

May 10 About actual cost collection in nursery school and local childcare business (PDF: 280KB)
May 10 About sick child care (PDF: 505KB)
May 10 About Supplementary Benefit Business (PDF: 318KB)
May 10

About request of questionnaire about use of improvement support costs (PDF: 174KB)
Questionnaire about use of improvement support costs (PDF: 214KB)

May 2 Thorough prevention of accidents when pool activities and playing in the water at the Yoho Cooperation authorized child institution (PDF: 4,241KB)
May 2 About alerting due to increase in the number of measles outbreak reports (PDF: 82KB) (authorized child institution)
April 25 About patrol visit business in 2018 (PDF: 113KB)
April 23 Multilingualization of information transmission using the National Protection Portal Site and the National Instant Warning System (J Alert) (PDF: 775KB) (authorized child institution)
April 23 Safety of elementary school student Students at School (PDF: 6,531KB) (authorized child institution)


Notice for Fiscal 2017 (Heisei 29)
Date Notification
February 28

Creation of an evacuation plan at the advocate facility required (request) (PDF: 210KB)
<Summary Version>
Evacuation securing plan summary version (flooding) for facility posting (word: 28KB)
Evacuation securing plan summary version (earth and sand) for facility bulletin board (word: 29KB)
Evacuation securing plan summary version description method (flooding) for facility posting (word: 47KB)
Evacuation securing plan summary version description method (earth and sand) for facility bulletin board (word: 45KB)

February 28 About alert from "meeting of expert thinking about serious accident prevention measures in education, childcare facilities" (PDF: 1,082KB)
January 22 About conduct of "demand survey about securing of human resources such as social welfare facilities" (PDF: 135KB)
January 18

Announcement of March Briefing Session
Nursery schools, kindergartens and authorized child institution (PDF: 814KB)
Small-scale childcare and in-house childcare business (PDF: 406KB)
Home-based childcare business (PDF: 517KB)

January 18 About storage of work history proof materials for the staff subject to calculation of treatment improvement addition 1 and thorough staffing confirmation included in the basic unit price of official price (PDF: 375KB)
January 18 About Saturday joint childcare (PDF: 304KB)
(Only existing schools other than kindergartens)
January 18

About holiday childcare
Nursery school, authorized child institution, small-scale childcare business type AB, in-house childcare business (PDF: 544KB)
Small-scale childcare business type C, home-based childcare business (PDF: 378KB)

November 30

About publicity of "implementation of 2017 sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) measures reinforcement month" (PDF: 860KB)

September 21

Responses to ballistic missile launches by North Korea (PDF: 300KB)

June 20

About thorough dissemination of guidelines for accident prevention in education and childcare facilities and correspondence in the event of an accident (PDF: 395KB)

June 16

About prevention of accident when we perform pool activity, water play in nursery school, community-based childcare business and unlicensed childcare facility (PDF: 1,752KB)

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Inquiries to this page

Child and Youth Bureau Childcare and Education Administration Division

Phone: 045-671-3564

Phone: 045-671-3564

Fax: 045-664-5479

E-Mail address [email protected]

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