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The 22nd "Let's talk with the mayor!"
Last updated on March 27, 2023.
Outline of the event
≪Theme: Elderly (prevention of nursing care and health promotion for the elderly conducted mainly by the community)
≪Date and time≫
Monday, February 27, 2023 13:30~
Minami Ward Office (Minami Ward)
≪Dialogue Organization≫
Happy Brain Training ♡ Walking
≪Overview of the Group≫
Established in 2014. Minami Ward began its activities as a walking class, a follow-up class for 21 health checkups, a unique preventive care checkup. Since fiscal 2015, we have shifted to the “Genki Station,” a group activity that engages in nursing care prevention and health promotion with friends in a familiar area, and as a voluntary activity, such as “Mount Fuji Gymnastics,” a Minami Ward original gymnastics, and “Cognisize,” a dementia prevention exercise program.
Overview of Dialogue
※ Duplicate parts and phrases are organized to the extent that the sentence is not impaired.
Mayor's Greeting
Ladies and gentlemen, thank you very much for your time today.
It has been about a year and a half since I took office as mayor, but I have set up an opportunity to actively talk with local people, and I feel that it is an issue from everyone who is active at the forefront of the field We think that it is important to reflect what we are doing in municipal administration.
This year, we have been talking about various initiatives of the elderly generation, but we have time to hear the stories of everyone who is working on preventive care activities mainly by the community. .
As one-third of the population will be elderly people around 2040 as Motoichi, we believe that the importance of working on such activities will increase more and more in the future. You.
Today, I think that you have various issues and thoughts while you are active, so I would like to exchange opinions with you roughly. Thank you very much.
It was very fun, so I participated as a volunteer.
I myself actually experienced the "cogni size" and "Mount Fuji Gymnastics" that are being conducted in the activities of "Happy Brain Training ♡ Walking", and felt that it would be effective if I continued, How long have you been started this activity?
Also, when you start, what kind of feeling did you participate, and what is the difference between that time and now?
I have been participating since 2014. I learned about the activities in the Minami Ward version of "Public Relations Yokohama".
Watching the exercise using ladders on TV, I was going very happily, so I thought it would be nice if there was a place nearby to do such activities. At that time, the activity was published in the public relations, and it was triggered by inquiries to the ward office. It was very fun, so I joined as a volunteer.
After all, public relations is important. As with local information papers, etc., I think it is important to have many people read through public relations and get to know various things. .
Strength strength can be trained even at the age of 100
Do you have anything special about in your activities?
Everyone is old, so I think health is important. They gather there and enjoy doing "cogni size" and using their heads by scrubbing. After all, as you get older, your legs and legs become weaker, so you can train. I think health promotion is very important.
It is said that an average of about 40 to 50 people participate each time. How old is your age?
I think the youngest person is in his 60s, but I am 86 years old and 90 years old are also participating, and I am working hard. Muscle strength can be trained even at the age of 100, so I think it will be useful enough.
Each of these activities is devised.
In this activity, at the meeting of the prevention supporter, the ward office said, "I want to do this." And more than 10 people were trained and started around May 2014.
Initially, it was held in the second and fourth weeks, but the participants consulted with volunteers saying, "I'm in trouble if the date is different" and "I can't forget it, so I want you to do it every week." It was held every week before a year. Even if it was a little rain, the venue was under the elevated, so it could be held, and everyone was able to see word of mouth and activities, and came to participate. .
How many similar initiatives are there in Minami Ward? How much is it in Yokohama City?
There are about 340 groups in the city and 20 groups in Minami Ward. Health promotion is a preventive care, so efforts are often made to prevent gymnastics and dementia. The "cogni size" like this and the "Mount Fuji Gymnastics" mentioned earlier have the originals of each ward, and each is being worked while devising.
In ward, whether there is environment that anyone is easy to access because approach is done in subdivision unit. Also, how do you know about it? I think both of these are important.
Elderly people living alone have few opportunities to go out and interact with people.
In my case, eight years ago, as a member of the local welfare committee, I watched people living alone, so first of all, after experiencing myself, I decided to recommend it to people living alone and participated. is.
Elderly people living alone have few opportunities to go out and interact with people, so if you participate in such activities every week, you will have the opportunity to interact with everyone, and I think that it will lead to health maintenance and promotion, so I invite you to join together I participate.
However, due to pain in the waist and knees, the number of people who participate gradually decreases, and it is lonely now, but I continue to speak in various activities.
Do you have any ideas for going out? I think many people will be able to participate if there is that.
I also participate in Neighborhood Associations's activities, so I am talking on such occasions.
There is a lot of word of mouth, so friends are calling friends and participating.
Also, there are many apartments around Bandobashi Park, where the activity is located, so some people have come to participate because they look at the activity and say, "I'm good" or "I'm having fun." That's why our activities are good for people. There are a lot of people who participate one after another.
As we can help in Local Elderly Care Management Center in various ways, we have you participate a lot from that route.
Prevention of dementia is the biggest.
How did you know about your activities?
I wanted to do something to maintain my health, so I was participating in the activities being held at the Community Care Plaza, but at that time I saw a flyer and learned. After actually participating, I thought that this is better for me, and I've been participating since then. Prevention of dementia is the biggest one.
"Brain training" feels like a name that seems to fit to any generation. Brain training will prevent dementia for the elderly, and I think it is very important for young people. You have to know more about it.
There is little participation of men because it is difficult to get backwards.
Do you have any challenges in continuing your activities?
It is the health of the volunteers. If the volunteers are healthy, they can provide guidance well, so I hope that the participants will be able to actively work. If that happens, your eyes will shine, and you will smile.
Many volunteers are elderly people in their 80s and late 70s, but it is difficult to get backwards. That's the biggest challenge.
Also, there are few male participations.
Yes, if you tell me, that's right. Why are there few men? I would like men to participate more, is there any good way?
I think many men work hard on hobbies, but I don't easily get together in such gatherings. I'd like to invite you, but it's very difficult. I would like you to think about a good way.
Is there a good way to invite men? As with women, I think it would be nice to have a good opportunity for men to participate more.
I also go to a gathering of senior citizen clubs, but there are 4 men and 20 women. Even if you go to a meeting of a senior citizen club in the ward, there are overwhelmingly many women.
Men may have a strong feeling that they are embarrassed.
But once you start it, it will be "interesting" and "fun".
You may be invited once and blend in while you participate every week. First of all, I think we have to think about how to get involved.
Is the first psychological hurdle in participating high for men?
Collaboration with Community Care Plaza
Could you tell us about cooperation with professionals at community care plazas?
As I work as a member of the local welfare committee, I get acquainted with most people and make friends while calling out. When I went to the Community Care Plaza for the activities of the local welfare officer, I was saved because I could provide various guidance from the Local Elderly Care Management Center.
"Happy Brain Training ♡ Walking" is located far away from my Neighborhood Associations and my Neighborhood Associations is doing similar activities, so no one is present now. After all, it is a situation where you can't come here even if you invite me because it's far away. I think that it will be "Let's go" if it is recommended by the Local Elderly Care Management Center.
When I started the activity, there were quite a few people who could come from a distant place, but when I gradually got older, some people were far away and couldn't come.
If you participate once, "I'll come next." "It's fun."
I felt that it was good to be doing these activities at Bandobashi Park. There are many apartments around, so you will be able to see it from there, and you will think that you are doing something fun, and it will also be an opportunity to participate. I hope you will have the opportunity to actually see and participate.
When you participate once, many people say, "I'll come next" or "It's fun."
Is 40 to 50 people a fixed member each time? Do you have a replacement?
There's a change.
Dissemination of information so that many people can know
We think that you have you support as community care plaza, but what kind of method do you think is effective to send information to have many people know about activity?
"Happy Brain Training ♡ Walking" is attended by participants from various areas such as Minami Ward and surrounding areas. Some people are in the area of the Community Care Plaza, but I think that it is necessary to do a well-known method that is not limited to that. Of course, not only to put it in a public relations magazine published at the Community Care Plaza, but also to use the corporate homepage or to call friends by friends in the form of the strongest attraction of this group I would like to continue providing logistical support to make flyers while continuing.
We think that Motoichi needs to wrestle with everybody so that as many people as possible can participate in future. We think that it is necessary to support variously as city, how is it?
The community care plaza and the ward office also support me, and I feel that I can do it very safely.
In the future, grandpas and grandmas will be with their grandchildren.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, there are concerns about adverse effects such as self-restraint of going out and lack of exercise. On the other hand, I think there will be a time when COVID-19 will gradually converge, and people will be able to take a mask and resume activities in a face-to-face relationship. We would like to further support the city so that you can participate in such activities that have a low risk of dense outdoors.
Today, I heard about your activities and thought it was a wonderful initiative again. . Currently, in the business of the “Genki Station”, we are providing support with little effort, such as dispatching instructors and providing consumables, and we are also visiting by staff of the ward office and community care plaza, but we will continue to do this in the future Can you tell us if you have any expectations or suggestions from Motoichi in proceeding?
I think it's good at the moment. We have you provide article from ward office and have you dispatch exercise lecturer. If the instructor introduces a different exercise, the activity will be fun, so I hope you will be dispatched in the future.
It's an activity place such as parks and securing necessary items. After that, I would like to further expand the scope of the business and activities of the “Genki Station”, including the dispatch of instructors, so if you have good wisdom, I would like to suggest you.
In the future, I hope that grandpas and grandmas can do this kind of exercise and gymnastics with their grandchildren.
My grandchildren may be fine, and I hope that I can do it with some kind of nursery school or kindergarten children. Now it is the prevention of dementia in the elderly, but I think it would be good to think about such things in the future.
Mayor comment
We talk about what you are working on, and we are working on it because you are fun, not someone asks you. I thought that it was necessary for the prevention of nursing care or health promotion to create places where residents could go independently here and there. You mentioned earlier that once you come, you will be able to participate all the time, and I feel that the accumulation of these activities will lead to the maintenance of functions related to acknowledgement.
In addition, I felt that "place" and "local connections" were important. Whether it's "cogni size" or "mount Fuji gymnastics", we will have fun and promote health and maintain the acknowledgement function by extension. Through these activities, I think we can expect a virtuous cycle of further strengthening "local connections", so we would like to further support us.
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