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  6. Press Release FY2024
  7. Expand the guarantee fee subsidy for the Yokohama City Small and Medium Enterprise Loan System “Special Fund for Accompaniment-type Management Support”-We will provide Yokohama City's own guarantee fee subsidy even after the end of the national subsidy-

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Expand the guarantee fee subsidy for the Yokohama City Small and Medium Enterprise Loan System “Special Fund for Accompaniment-type Management Support”-We will provide Yokohama City's own guarantee fee subsidy even after the end of the national subsidy-

Last updated on June 20, 2024.

Press release materials

June 20, 2024

Economic Affairs Bureau Finance Division

Yosuke Kondo

TEL: 045-671-2586

Fax: 045-664-4867

 In Yokohama City, from July 1, we will continue to support the financing of small and medium-sized businesses in the city, which are affected by cash flow due to soaring raw material prices, etc. We change requirements of target and carry out Yokohama-shi original guarantee fee subsidy. Furthermore, in order to encourage businesses to change their behavior toward decarbonization, we will begin applying the Decarbonization Discount to the Special Fund for Accompaniment-type Management Support.
 In addition, with the change of the government's funding support measures at the end of June, the subsidy for the government's guarantee fee for the “Accompaniment-type management support special fund” will be terminated.

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