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  7. The 14th Yokohama City Consumer Affairs Council submitted a written opinion "Education and Enlightenment Efforts Required for Consumer Administration with the Development of a Digital Society"-Understanding information on the Internet, electronic advertising, and SNS correctly Increase the awareness of contracting carefully

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The 14th Yokohama City Consumer Affairs Council submitted a written opinion "Education and Enlightenment Efforts Required for Consumer Administration with the Development of a Digital Society"-Understanding information on the Internet, electronic advertising, and SNS correctly Increase the awareness of contracting carefully

Last updated on November 8, 2024.

Press release materials

November 8, 2024

Economic Affairs Bureau Consumer Economy Division

Shigenori Hatakeyama

TEL: 045-671-2573

Fax: 045-671-9533

At the 14th Yokohama City Consumer Affairs Council, discussions were held for two years on the theme of "Efforts such as education and enlightenment necessary for consumer administration accompanying the development of a digital society", and on November 7, addressed to Mayor Yokohama. We had you submit statement of position.


As for the details of statement of position, please see Yokohama-shi Economic Affairs Bureau homepage (the 14th Yokohama-shi consumer life council).

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Consumer Economic Affairs Division, Civil Economic and Labor Department, Economic Affairs Bureau

Phone: 045-671-2584

Phone: 045-671-2584

Fax: 045-664-9533

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