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Please tell me the refund procedure and the refund amount for the subway commuter pass.

Last updated on October 19, 2021.

Municipal transportation

Please refer to the following for details on the refund procedure for subway commuter passes and the refund amount.

Pass refund procedure

・Refunds will be handled at the municipal subway station office or at the Customer Service Center.
・You will need identification documents (license, etc.) and private seal (sign) for the procedure.
・To refund the commuter pass purchased with the Hama Eco Card, you need the Hama Eco Card used for purchase. (Cash refunds will not be made.)
・For details, such as subway / bus commuter pass tickets and refunds for other companies' commuter pass tickets, please ask the staff at the commuter pass sales counter.
・Pass refunds cannot be made by mail.

<Application by proxy/agent>

・When a person other than the holder of the commuter pass (proxy/agent) makes a refund, in addition to the commuter pass to be refunded, a letter of attorney for the holder of the commuter pass (free format), a document for the identification of the holder of the commuter pass (copy permitted), and a document for verifying the identity of the proxy/agent are required.

Pass refund amount

(1)When refund is made after purchase and before the start of validity

Regular fares - commissions = refunds

(2)If the refund is made within 7 days after the start of validity, the refund will be made on a pro-rated basis.

Regular fare - (regular fare of ticket round trip x number of days + fee) = refund amount

(3)After 8 days of validity, refunds will be made on a monthly basis, so the remaining amount obtained by subtracting the regular fare and commission for the number of months used from the release amount will be refunded.
 Example: When a 3-month commuter pass is used for 1 month and 1 day

Regular fare - (1 month regular fare x 2 + number of commissions) = refund amount

※If you exceed one month at least one day, the number of months you use will be two months.

(4)When a new type or section is changed to purchase a commuter pass, or in the case of duplicate purchase, illness, death, etc., the calculation is based on the seasonal rate converted to 10 days.
 Example: If you use a 3-month commuter pass for 1 month and 15 days

Regular fare - (prorated amount x 10 days x 5 seasons + commission) = refund amount

※Daily fare = regular fare divided by the number of days (30 days for one month, 90 days for three months, and 180 days for six months)
 ※If there is a fraction of less than 1 yen in the daily calculation result, round it up to 1 yen.

The fee for refund is 220 yen.

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Inquiries to this page

Transportation Bureau Sales Division, High-speed Railway Headquarters

Phone: 045-671-3175

Phone: 045-671-3175

Fax: 045-550-4181

E-Mail address [email protected]

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