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Wind and flood damage information

Last updated on October 1, 2020.

weather warning Weather Forecast

You can check the weather warnings and alert being announced in Yokohama City.
You can also check the early warning information (possibility of alarm level).

You can check the hourly weather forecast (up to 48 hours) from the Yokohama City Disaster Prevention Portal page.

You can check the weather forecast for a week.

Precipitation river water level

From the Yokohama City page, you can check the information (hourly rainfall, cumulative rainfall) of rain gauges installed at the city fire department and fire branch office.

This is a link to the high-resolution precipitation nowcast page.
You can check movement of rain cloud from 3 hours to 1 hour later.
You can also check the risk distribution of lightning, landslide, floods, etc.

This is the page of Mizu disaster prevention information, Yokohama.
You can check the following river information.

・ Image of river surveillance cameras
・ Water level of rivers
・ Status of Reservoirs, etc.

sediment disaster information

You can check the status of the landslide alert information, which is announced by the Japan Meteorological Agency when landslide may occur at any time.
Izumi Ward is classified as "Northern Yokohama City".

This is the page of Kanagawa Prefecture landslide Portal. You can check the risk of landslide on the map.

You can check the expected progress, power, etc. of typhoons from the Japan Meteorological Agency page.

emergency information such as evacuation information and evacuation sites will be posted on the Izumi Ward Disaster Prevention and Disaster Management Top Page.

Inquiries to this page

Izumi Ward Office General Affairs Division Disaster Prevention Officer

Phone: 045-800-2309

Phone: 045-800-2309

Fax: 045-800-2505

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 302-050-105

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