The text is from here.
Public information Yokohama Reiwa 7 (2025)
Last updated on March 1, 2025.
About holding such as events published in public information Yokohama
The events listed may be canceled or postponed, so please check in advance. In addition, I would like you to continue to take measures against infectious diseases.
About voice data
We send Braille version, daisy version, recording version of city version, daisy version, daisy version, recording version of each ward version to person with visual impairment.
If you wish, please contact Policy Administration Bureau Public Relations Section (contact information below) with Address, name, Phone number and what you would like.
Public Relations Section, Policy Administration Bureau City Promotion Promotion Office
Phone: 045-671-2332
Fax: 045-661-2351
E-Mail address [email protected]
Catalog Pocket, a public relations paper browsing service
Public information Yokohama Kanagawa Ward ward version supports catalog pockets from May, 2024 issue.
Catalog Pocket is a service that allows you to view public relations papers from your smartphone or PC.
By converting the public relations paper into an e-book, the text in the article will pop up and make it easier to read, as well as functions such as text-to-speech and multilingual automatic translation can be used.
Please refer to the public relations paper browsing service "Catalog Pocket" for details on how to use it.
March issue
Special Feature Warm spring walk
Public information Yokohama March issue
February issue
Special Feature It will change from April! Plastic disposal procedures
Public information Yokohama February issue
January issue
Special Feature Measures that can be learned from the past
Public information Yokohama January issue
・Read the January issue (outside site)
・January issue download (PDF: 16,014KB)
・January issue download (text version) (text file: 34KB)
Click here for the public information Yokohama city version
Public information Yokohama whole city version
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Inquiries to this page
Kanagawa Ward General Affairs Department Ward Administration Promotion Division
Phone: 045-411-7021
Phone: 045-411-7021
Fax: 045-314-8890
E-Mail address [email protected]
Page ID: 607-368-465