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Last updated on December 25, 2023.

The text is from here.

Facilities exempt from The Long-term Care Insurance

In principle, those aged 65 or older who have Address in municipalities and those aged 40 to under 65 are insured by The Long-term Care Insurance.
Persons entering exemption facilities, such as facilities for persons with disabilities, are not insured by The Long-term Care Insurance for the time being.
The facilities exempt from The Long-term Care Insurance and those who are eligible are as follows:

The Long-term Care Insurance facility excluded from Yokohama city

(Designated) Support facilities for persons with disabilities

Name of the facility Postal code Location
Support facilities for persons with disabilities 230-0001 1-14-18, Yakou, Tsurumi-ku
Shida Hino Gakuen 234-0053 2-25-1, Hinochuo, Kounan-ku
Serigaya Yamayuri Garden 233-0006 2-3-1, Serigaya, Kounan-ku
No rose garden 240-0025 200-6, Karibacho, Hodogaya-ku
Ewa Youth Dormitory 240-0035 691, Imaicho, Hodogaya-ku
It's just a good thing 240-0044 1600-2, Bukkoucho, Hodogaya-ku
Open space 240-0051 1696, Kamisugedacho, Hodogaya-ku
Person with a disability support facility Kaie 241-0001 783, Kamishiranecho, Asahi-ku
Shirane no Sato 241-0001 1092, Kamishiranecho, Asahi-ku
Hill of Light 241-0005 7-10-6, Shirane, Asahi-ku
Horzhaze 241-0812 550, Kanegaya, Asahi-ku
Kurumi Gakuen (Adult Department) 241-0812 550, Kanegaya, Asahi-ku
Voyage 236-0045 2-8-1, Kamariyaminami, Kanazawa-ku
Yokohama Land 223-0056 6001-6, Shinyoshidacho, Kouhoku-ku
Hana Mizuki 223-0056 6001-1, Shinyoshidacho, Kouhoku-ku
Aoba maison 227-0036 1757-3, Naracho, Aoba-ku
East and Residence 224-0024 270, Higashiyamatacho, Tsuzuki-ku
Asahi Juku 245-0065 57-6, Higashimatanocho, Totsuka-ku
Liaison Kasama 247-0006 3-10-1, Kasama, Sakae-ku
Soil Sakae 247-0006 3-10-7, Kasama, Sakae-ku
Yokohama Riverside Izumi 245-0017 355, Shimoiidacho, Izumi-ku
Matsukaze Gakuen, Yokohama City 245-0018 1987, Kamiiidacho, Izumi-ku
Izumi no Sato Matsukaze 245-0018 1986-1, Kamiiidacho, Izumi-ku

Among those who enter the above facilities, The Long-term Care Insurance is exempt from the following:

  • Determination of payment under the Comprehensive Support for Persons with Disabilities Act ※Persons with physical disabilities who receive (both living care and facility entrance support)
  • Persons with physical disabilities (life care) who enter under the Welfare Law for the Physically Disabled
  • Intellectually disabled persons admitted in accordance with Article 16, Paragraph 1, Item 2 of the Welfare Act for Persons with Intellectual Disabilities
  • Determination of the Comprehensive Support for Persons with Disabilities Act ※Persons with intellectual and mental disabilities who enter through (life care and facility entrance support)

※Even if you enter the facility, you may not have received the above "payment decision". If you have any questions, please contact the department in charge of disability who consulted when entering the facility.

Medical-type facilities for children with disabilities (Article 42, Item 2 of the Child Welfare Law) / Hospitals that provide medical care and nursing care (Article 5, Paragraph 6 of the Comprehensive Support for Persons with Disabilities Act)

Name of the facility Postal code Location
Yokohama Nursing and Medical Center 241-0014 Ichizawacho, Asahi-ku 557-2
Facility for severely handicapped children (persons) common sage 230-0012 Shimosueyoshi, Tsurumi-ku 3-6-1
Prefectural Children's Medical Center 232-8555 2-138-4, Rokutsugawa, Minami-ku
Yokohama Medical and Welfare Center Konan 234-0054 Kounandai, Kounan-ku 4-6-20

Those who enter the above facilities are exempt from The Long-term Care Insurance.

Designated beds for medical-type elementary school student development support (Article 6-2-23 of the Child Welfare Law)

Name of the facility Postal code Location
Yokohama City Southern Area Nursing Center 235-0033 5-32-20, Sugita, Isogo-ku
Totsuka Regional Nursing Center in Yokohama 244-0805 4-4, Kawakamicho, Totsuka-ku
Northern Yokohama Regional Rehabilitation Center 224-0062 16-3, Kuzugaya, Tsuzuki-ku
Yokohama City Chubu Regional Nursing Center 232-0007 49, Shimizugaoka, Minami-ku
Yokohama City Western Area Nursing Center 240-0035 743-2, Imaicho, Hodogaya-ku
Yokohama City Eastern Regional Rehabilitation Center 221-0044 1-29, Higashikanagawa, Kanagawa-ku
Regional nursing center Aoba 225-0022 34-1, Kurosuda, Aoba-ku
Yokohama Konan Regional Nursing Center 234-0056 631, Nobacho, Kounan-ku
Yokohama City Rehabilitation Center 222-0035 1770, Toriyamacho, Kouhoku-ku

Those who enter the above facilities are exempt from The Long-term Care Insurance.

Relief facilities (Article 38, Paragraph 1, Item 1 of the Public Assistance Act)

Name of the facility Postal code Location
Urafuneen, Yokohama City 232-0024 3-46, Urafunecho, Minami-ku
Kiyoaki no Sato 232-0033 5-315, Nakamuracho, Minami-ku
Okano Welfare Hall 220-0073 2-15-6, Okano, Nishi-ku

Those who enter the above facilities are exempt from The Long-term Care Insurance.


Those who enter the following facilities are exempt from The Long-term Care Insurance, but there are no such facilities in Yokohama.
・Facilities under Article 11, Paragraph 1, Item 1 of the Nozomi Garden Law, a comprehensive facility for persons with severe intellectual disabilities
・National Hansen's disease sanatoriums, etc. (Article 2, Paragraph 2 of the Act on Promotion of Resolution of Hansen's Disease Problems)
・Facilities that support nursing care for affected workers (Article 29, Paragraph 1, Item 2 of the Workmen's Accident Compensation Insurance Act)

Inquiries to this page

※Click here for contact information for the ward office Insurance and Pension Division

Phone: Please contact the ward office Insurance and Pension Division of the ward where the facility is located for exemption from The Long-term Care Insurance.

Phone: Please contact the ward office Insurance and Pension Division of the ward where the facility is located for exemption from The Long-term Care Insurance.

Health and Social Welfare Bureau Senior Health and Welfare Department The Long-term Care Insurance Division

Phone: 045-671-4253

Phone: 045-671-4253

Fax: 045-550-3614

E-Mail address

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Page ID: 764-327-568


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