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Midwifery facilities

Last updated on October 10, 2024.

The midwifery system is a system stipulated in the Child Welfare Law that provides assistance to those who cannot bear the cost of childbirth, such as social security households, to be hospitalized and delivered with peace of mind.
Pregnant women who are unable to receive hospitalized midwifery for financial reasons, despite their health needs can enter and receive midwifery.
There are requirements for use, and you will need to apply in Health and Welfare Center. Please consult with Health and Welfare Center Children and Families Support Division in your ward.

Midwifery facilities
Saiseikai Yokohamashi Tobu Hospital3-6-1, Shimosueyoshi, Tsurumi-ku
Yokohama City Minato Red Cross Hospital3-12-1, Shinyamashita, Naka-ku
Yokohama City University School of Medicine General Medical Center4-57, Urafunecho, Minami-ku
Saiseikai Southern Hospital3-2-10, Kounandai, Kounan-ku
Yokohama Municipal Citizen's Hospital1-1, Mitsuzawanishimachi, Kanagawa-ku
Koshinkai Shiomidai Hospital1-6-5, Shiomidai, Isogo-ku
International Goodwill Hospital1-28-1, Nishigaoka, Izumi-ku
Towa Midwifery (Type 2)1-10-20, Tsurumichuo, Tsurumi-ku
Megumi Midwifery Hospital (Type 2)2-15-18, Teraya, Tsurumi-ku
Miyashita Midwifery Hospital (Type 2)126, Miharudai, Minami-ku
Bath Aoba (Type 2)509-1, Kamoshidacho, Aoba-ku
Green Midwifery Hospital (Type 2)2242, Mihocho, Midori-ku

About midwifery system
Link button to midwifery system

Inquiries to this page

Child and Youth Bureau Children's Welfare and Health Department Children's Rights Protection Division

Phone: 045-671-2394

Phone: 045-671-2394

Fax: 045-550-3948

E-Mail address [email protected]

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