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Maternity mark
Last updated on December 19, 2023.
Create an environment that is friendly to babies and mothers!What is the Maternity Mark?
Early pregnancy is a very important time not only to grow your baby, but also to maintain your mother's health.
This mark is worn by pregnant women when using transportation, etc., and makes it easier to show that they are pregnant around them.
Make use of the product for commuting or going to a hospital such as Health Checkups.Where can I get the maternity mark?
Since May 2008, we have been distributing maternity marks at the time of issuing the Maternal and Child Health Handbook in Health and Welfare Center.
In addition, it may be distributed at stations with the services of railway companies.
In addition, the Maternity Mark design can be downloaded from the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare website and used freely.
Homepage of Children and Families Agency
About maternity mark | Children's Family Agency ( (outside site)
Inquiries to this page
Child and Youth Bureau Children's Welfare and Health Department Regional Child Care Support Section
Phone: 045-671-2455
Phone: 045-671-2455
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Page ID: 613-541-931