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- [Received application acceptance] Prenatal PCR test for pregnant women with anxiety during the COVID-19 epidemic
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[Received application acceptance] Prenatal PCR test for pregnant women with anxiety during the COVID-19 epidemic
Last updated on March 11, 2024.
Notice Regarding the end of accepting applications for subsidies for prenatal PCR tests for pregnant women with anxiety during the COVID-19 epidemic (posted on March 11, 2024)
Application for grant applications for taking tests such as PCR tests at medical institutions outside Yokohama City has been closed on March 8, 2024.
Notice About the end of the pre-delivery PCR test business for pregnant women with anxiety during the COVID-19 epidemic (published on June 13, 2023)
Prenatal PCR testing for pregnant women with anxiety during the COVID-19 epidemic will be terminated following the transition to Class 5 infectious diseases.
"Inspection to be subsidized" and "final application deadline for grant" are as follows. If you have passed the deadline for submitting the grant application, you will not be able to subsidize, so please apply as soon as possible.
PCR tests, etc. conducted by September 30, 2023
・Final application deadline for grant
March 8, 2024 (postmark valid on the day) (Application for grant cannot be made after March 8, 2024)
※Please refer to the following for details of the application procedure.
Pre-delivery PCR tests, etc. for pregnant women with anxiety
Pregnant women living with anxiety in COVID-19 infection will consult with their obstetricians and gynecologists and provide opportunities to receive a PCR test at COVID-19 before delivery if desired.
From April 1, 2023, depending on the date of the PCR test, etc., the grant fee will be changed as follows.
①Regarding the subsidy amount up to March 31, 2023, the maximum amount paid by the patient or 20,000 yen is limited to the total amount or 20,000 yen, and the amount is small. We will support the amount of money. (It is not eligible for the subsidy except for examination costs such as the first consultation fee.)
②Regarding the amount of the subsidy after April 1, 2023 on or after the examination consultation date, the maximum amount of the self-paid amount or 9,000 yen will be subsidized, and the small amount will be subsidized. (It is not eligible for the subsidy except for examination costs such as the first consultation fee.)
Please note that the styles such as applications will also be changed with the change in the grant amount.
There is no change in the system contents and procedures from FY2022.
When taking a PCR test, etc. at a medical institution in Yokohama City
Pregnant women are not charged for testing. Yokohama City pays the examination fee directly to the medical institution that outsources the examination. For more information, please contact your family obstetrician / gynecologist.
Subject to the test
Pregnant women who meet all of the following 1 to 5 are eligible.
①Pregnant women who have resident registration or are resident in Yokohama City (including pregnant women who live in the city for returning home and giving birth)
②It is possible to take the test at a medical institution in Yokohama.
③There are no symptoms of suspected infection such as fever at the time of examination.
④I have a strong anxiety about COVID-19
⑤I agree with all the instructions from the Obstetrics and gynaecology (family doctor) in advance.
Date of inspection
About 2 weeks before the expected delivery date. However, the timing of the test may be adjusted according to the situation of each pregnant woman, such as the risk of premature birth. Please consult with family doctor about the specific schedule.
Number of inspections
Testing is only once during pregnancy
Location of inspection
Please take the examination at your own medical institution.
If you have not conducted a test at your family medical institution, Yokohama City will introduce other medical institutions.
In that case, first consult your obstetrician / gynecologist. We do not accept direct applications from pregnant women to Yokohama City.
Inspection manuals and test applications are provided at the medical institution that conducts the test.
Please refer to the following inspection manual and application form for examinations whose examination date is until March 31, 2023.
Inspection manual (PDF: 261KB)
Inspection Application Form (PDF: 369KB)
Please refer to the following test manual for examinations with a test consultation date after April 1, 2023.
Inspection manual (PDF: 306KB)
There is no change in the inspection application form (PDF: 369KB).
When taking a PCR test, etc. at a medical institution outside Yokohama City
If you take a PCR test at a medical institution outside Yokohama for homecoming births, etc., Yokohama City will subsidize the cost of the test.
This applies to PCR tests conducted between July 1, 2020 and September 30, 2023.
COVID-19 infection tests (PCR tests, LAMP tests, and antigen quantitative tests of COVID-19 using nasopharyngeal wipes or saliva) are eligible for the cost subsidy.
※It does not include tests for antigen tests and nasal wiping fluid samples with a simple kit.
※Even if there are no symptoms of suspected infection, such as fever, administrative examinations in close contact, etc., and examinations to which doctors deem necessary for patient consultation, and examinations to which employee health insurance applies are not eligible for subsidized examinations.
Target person
Pregnant women who fall under all of the following 1 to 5
①Those who have resident registration in Yokohama City on the day of the inspection
②Those who have been examined at medical institutions outside Yokohama City
③Those who have paid the full cost of the inspection
④Those who have no symptoms of suspicion of fever in COVID-19 infection
⑤As a general rule, those who have received explanations from medical institutions to be tested and have agreed to the items in the manual.
※Those who have been subsidized by other local governments, such as homecoming destinations, are not eligible.
※Those who have actual living conditions in Yokohama City, who have taken the test at a city medical institution from July 1 to September 28, 2020, and who have paid the full cost are also eligible.
Date of inspection
About 2 weeks before the expected delivery date. However, the timing of the test may be adjusted according to the situation of each pregnant woman, such as the risk of premature birth. Please consult with family doctor about the specific schedule.
Number of inspections
Testing is only once during pregnancy
Grant amount
About examination consultation day until March 31, 2023, we assume the whole amount or 20,000 yen that we paid by oneself and compare each and support sum less amount. (It is not eligible for the subsidy except for the examination fee, such as the first consultation fee.)
For examinations with a test consultation date after April 1, 2023, the maximum amount of self-paid or 9,000 yen will be the upper limit, and each will be compared and the amount will be subsidized. (It is not eligible for the subsidy except for the examination fee, such as the first consultation fee.)
How to apply
1 required documents
(1) Yokohama City Application for subsidies for subsidies such as pre-delivery PCR tests for pregnant women with anxiety
※Yokohama City Expenses Subsidy Application Form for Prenatal PCR Testing for Pregnant Women with anxiety (PDF: 97KB)
(2) Cover (copy) of the Maternal and Child Health Handbook
(3) The original receipt issued by the medical institution that conducted the PCR test, etc.
(The name of the grantee, the full amount of the examination cost, the date of the examination, the name of the medical institution, etc. must be entered.)
※In principle, the original receipt will not be returned. If return is required, please enclose a document stating that you wish to return it. We will return the reception stamp after seal.
(4) Documents (copy) that can confirm the account of the financial institution to which the transfer is made.
2 Application Destination
Please enclose the set of application documents in the following address and send it to the Local Child Care Support Division Parent and Child Health Section.
〒 231-0005
6-50-10, Honcho, Naka-ku, Yokohama-shi
Person in charge of PCR test in charge of City of Yokohama, Child and Youth Bureau area child care support section
3 Application deadline
March 8, 2024 (postmark valid on the day)
If you do not submit the application by the deadline, you will not be able to pay at all. Please apply with plenty of time.
4 Date of payment
After receiving the application form, we will send you a decision to grant or non-grant by mail about one to one and a half months. After that, in the case of a grant decision, the grant will be transferred to the applicant's designated financial account.
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Inquiries to this page
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Phone: 045-671-2455
Phone: 045-671-2455
Fax: 045-550-3946
E-Mail address [email protected]
Page ID: 274-303-372