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- About special release of nationally designated important cultural property "Sekiya House"
Last updated on December 10, 2024.
The text is from here.
About special release of nationally designated important cultural property "Sekiya House"
Photographs of Sekiya House
Sekike Jutaku, located in Katsuta-cho, Tsuzuki-ku, Yokohama, is said to be the oldest existing private house in the Kanto region, and its buildings including Shoin and main gate and vast grounds are designated as important national cultural properties. The premises are usually closed (*), but with the cooperation of the owners, special exhibitions have been held once a year since 2005.
※Since the Sekiya House is a private house, it is usually not possible to enter the premises and see it.
For inquiries, please contact the Education Board Lifelong Learning and Cultural Property Division.
FY2024 [finished]
Results of implementation
Thank you very much for your application that exceeds the capacity.
On the day of the event, they toured the Sekiya Residence while receiving commentary by curators, researchers, and students from Yokohama National University Faculty of Urban Innovation.
We will post a pamphlet distributed to everyone who was elected and participated, so we hope you can see it.
State of the day
1 Commentary in main gate
2 Commentary in the courtyard
3 Explanation in main house (Doma) (with structural model)
4 Commentary at Shoin
This is the brochure data distributed on the day of the Sekiya Special Open Event.
[Reference] Outline of the event
You can gather at the designated time to contact the winners, receive explanations from curators and researchers, and observe the buildings, sites, and points on the premises that are normally closed in about 40 minutes. We hope that it will be an opportunity to get acquainted with valuable cultural assets that convey the history of the region.
- Date: Saturday, November 23, 2024
- Capacity 100 people each in the morning (10 to 12:00) and afternoon (13-15:00)
※In principle, junior high school students and above.
※Application is only once per group (up to 4 people), and please apply without duplication including companions.
※Since the tour will be conducted in the form of a tour, the meeting time will be specified here.
- Participation fee free
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Board of Education Secretariat General Affairs Department Lifelong Learning and Cultural Properties Division
Phone: 045-671-3284
Phone: 045-671-3284
Fax: 045-224-5863
E-Mail address ky-syobun@city.yokohama.lg.jp
Page ID: 603-380-281