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Registration of museums, etc.

Information on registration of museums based on the Museum Law, designation of facilities equivalent to museums, etc.

Last updated on March 13, 2025.

Thing about registered museum

What is a registered museum?

It is necessary to collect, store and display materials related to history, art, folklore, industry, natural sciences, etc. for use by the general public under educational considerations, and to contribute to their culture, research, recreation, etc. Institutions that aim to conduct research and research on these materials and have been registered under the Museum Law (Article 2 of the Museum Law).

Flow of Museum Registration

About registration of facility located in the city, city Board of Education performs procedure.
First of all, please consult with the Board of Education Secretariat Lifelong Learning Cultural Properties Division (045-671-3284) in advance.
※Please consult with Kanagawa Prefecture about the facilities set up by Kanagawa Prefecture.

① Prior consultation with the City Board of Education
② Submission of application documents
③ Examination (including hearings and on-site surveys of persons with academic experience)
④ Listing and publication in the museum registry

Registration requirements

Please confirm Article 13 Clause 1 of the Museum Law, the detailed rules of the Museum Law stipulated by the City Board of Education, and the registration examination standards of museums.

Museum Law (outside site)
Detailed Regulations for Museum Law Enforcement (PDF: 144KB)
Museum Registration Examination Standards (PDF: 74KB)

Documents to be submitted for registration

Regular Report of Registered Museums

Registered museums, including museums registered under the provisions of Article 10 of the Old Museum Act, must make regular reports once a year between June 1 and the end of the same month.
However, if it is less than one year from the date of registration, it is not necessary to report that year.

<Form for Periodic Reporting> ※Form prescribed in the Enforcement Regulations of the Museum Law
Regular report (2 of No. 6 style) (word: 19KB)

<Deadline for submission>
As of the end of June

Procedures related to changes and abolition after registration

If there is a change in the registration items after receiving registration, a notification must be made within one month from the date of the change.
In addition, if the museum is abolished, a notification must be made within 10 days from the date of abolition.

<Forms pertaining to changes and abolition after registration> ※Form prescribed in the Enforcement Regulations of the Museum Law
Change of museum registration items registration form (No. 6 style) (word: 19KB)
Museum abolition registration form (No. 7 style) (word: 18KB)

Handling of museums registered by March 31, 2023

For museums that have been registered under the provisions of Article 10 of the Old Museum Law, until five years have elapsed since the enforcement date of the revised law (April 1, 2023) (March 2028) Until March 31), it is deemed to have been registered under Article 11 of the revised Museum Law.

Thing about facility equivalent to museum

What are the facilities equivalent to museums?

Facilities that conduct business similar to museum business, which are designated under the Museum Law (Article 31 of the Museum Law)

Designation flow of facilities equivalent to museums

About designation as facility equivalent to museum of facility located in the city, city Board of Education performs procedure.
First of all, please consult with the Board of Education Secretariat Lifelong Learning Cultural Properties Division (045-671-3284) in advance.
※Please consult with Kanagawa Prefecture about the facilities set up by Kanagawa Prefecture.

<Flow to Designation>
① Prior consultation with the City Board of Education
② Submission of application documents
③ Examination (including on-site investigation)
④ Publication

Please see facility designation examination standard corresponding to museum law enforcement regulations Article 24 Clause 1 and museum established by city.

Museum law enforcement regulations (outside site)
Facility designation examination standard corresponding to museum (PDF: 75KB)

Documents to be submitted for designation application

Handling of facilities designated by March 31, 2023

Facilities that conduct business similar to the museum's business and that have been designated under Article 29 of the Old Museum Law at the time of the enforcement of the revised law are designated as Article 31, Paragraph 1 of the revised Museum Law. It is considered to have been designated.

Form pertaining to procedures after designation

If you lose the designated requirements after the designation, you must submit a report within 10 days.

<Form pertaining to the report of disqualification of designated requirements> ※Form prescribed in the Enforcement Regulations of the Museum Law
Museum equivalent designated facility designation requirements lack report (No. 8 style) (word: 19KB)

Museums in the city

Registered Museum

Designated facilities


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Inquiries to this page

Board of Education Secretariat Lifelong Learning Cultural Properties Division

Phone: 045-671-3284

Phone: 045-671-3284

Fax: 045-224-5863

E-Mail address [email protected]

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