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  6. About trial conduct result that made 5 parks in the city "no smoking" as trial of passive smoking measures in park

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About trial conduct result that made 5 parks in the city "no smoking" as trial of passive smoking measures in park

Last updated on April 17, 2024.

During the following period, at 5 parks in the city, we decided to "no smoking" by trial as a measure against passive smoking. .
In addition, as we carried out questionnaire survey to park user during period to refer as opinion on future passive smoking measures conduct, we report result. Thank you very much to everyone who cooperated with the questionnaire.

Results of implementation

1 Trial contents of passive smoking measures

(1) Implementation period

From Saturday, October 14, 2023 to Sunday, November 19

(2) Implementation park

Yamashita Park (Naka Ward), Harbor View Park (Minato-no-Mieru Oka Koen) (Naka Ward), Children's Nature Park (Asahi Ward), Fujigaoka Ekimae Park (Aoba Ward), Tennocho Ekimae Park (Hodogaya Ward)

(3) Implementation method

Post a non-smoking sign in the park to investigate the number of smokers before and during the trial.

(4) Survey on the number of smokers before and after the trial (survey over two days on weekdays and holidays)

A. Survey date

 Before the trial: Friday, October 6 and Saturday, October 7
 During trial: Thursday, October 26 and Saturday, October 28

B. Results of the survey

・At Fujigaoka Ekimae Park and Tennocho Ekimae Park located in front of the station, there was a certain number of smoking.
・At Tennocho Ekimae Park, the number of smokers on trial has decreased significantly. It is presumed that the effect of disseminating smoking cessation was to a certain extent.

Results (total of 2 days)
  Yamashita A hill with a view of the harbor Children's Nature In front of Fujigaoka Station Tennocho Station
Number of park users (before trial) 17,137 people 3,552 people 1,258 people 330 people 163 people
Number of smokers Prior to enforcement 12 people 2 people 0 people 16 people 30 people
During trial 7 people 8 people 2 people 11 people 2 people
Change ▲5 people 6 people 2 people ▲5 people ▲28 people

2 Results of questionnaire survey

(1) Number of respondents and survey method

 2,261 people (researchers randomly interviewed park users during the trial)

(2) Total results

Q1 Have you ever felt smoking annoying when using the park? (Select one)
ItemsYamashitaA hill with a view of the harborChildren's NatureIn front of Fujigaoka StationTennocho Station
I sometimes have23.8%31.8%13.5%32.3%18.2%
There is almost no13.7%26.6%12.4%17.3%8.7%

・Regarding the question of "Did you ever feel annoying due to smoking when using the park?", 50% of respondents answered "Afrequently" and "I sometimes have" were high at Fujigaoka Ekimae Park. The result exceeded. In Children's Nature Park, where there are few smokers, the response ratio of "c" and "d" exceeded 80%. .

Q2 We ask those who answered a, a, or c in Q1. What did you feel annoying about smoking in the park? (multiple selections)
ItemsYamashitaA hill with a view of the harborChildren's NatureIn front of Fujigaoka StationTennocho Station
A. Smoke and smell of tobacco38.4%29.0%45.6%36.0%30.7%
B. Health effects of passive smoking16.9%20.4%16.0%17.1%18.9%
C burns caused by fire of walking tobacco15.3%19.7%8.3%6.1%13.2%
D. Littering of Butts27.4%29.0%24.9%37.8%36.7%
O Other2.0%1.9%5.2%3.0%0.5%

・Regarding the question of "What kind of inconvenience did you feel about smoking in the park?", "A tobacco smoke and smell" and "D littering of butts" were particularly selected in all parks. .

Q3 If you have any opinions about passive smoking in the park in Yokohama City, please let us know.


Number of cases 

Opinions in favor of smoking cessation in the park, such as "I want you to stop smoking completely."

283 casesA total of 643 opinions calling for countermeasures

Opinions on implementation methods such as smoking separation, such as "I want you to set up a smoking area and separate smoking."

276 cases

Opinions on manners such as littering, such as "I'm worried about butts"

84 cases

Opinions against smoking cessation in the park, such as "No smoking is opposed."

10 cases

・In the "free opinion", there were many opinions calling for some kind of passive smoking measures in the park.

Inquiries to this page

Parks and Green Space Management Division, Green Area of Green Environment Bureau Park

Phone: 045-671-2642

Phone: 045-671-2642

Fax: 045-550-3916

E-Mail address [email protected]

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