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  6. About conduct result of questionnaire about passive smoking measures in park

Last updated on October 12, 2023.

The text is from here.

About conduct result of questionnaire about passive smoking measures in park

As we carried out questionnaire survey about smoking in park to grasp public awareness about smoking in park from July, 2023 to utilize in examination such as future use rules, we report result You. Thank you very much to everyone who cooperated with the questionnaire.

Overview of Implementation

Three types of questionnaires were conducted as follows.

Overview of Implementation
TypeImplementation periodNumber of distributionsNumber of respondentsResponse rate
Yokohama e Questionnaire

From August 4th
Until August 14

4,818 people1,477 people30.7%

Questionnaire for child-rearing generations who use the park on a daily basis
(Each ward child care support base)

From July 13
Until August 14

2,600 sheets166 people6.4%
Questionnaire for park protection society

From July 20
Until August 14

360 organizations267 organizations74.2%

Click here for details on the results of the Yokohama e-questionnaire.
Yokohama e Questionnaire count results (FY2023) Yokohama City (

Total results

Q1: Have you ever felt smoking annoying when using the park? (Selected)

Q1 Answer Results
 Child-rearing generationPark Protection Association
I sometimes have34.9%29.6%
There is almost no9.1%31.1%

Q2: In Q1, I would like to ask those who answered a, a, or c. What did you feel annoying about smoking in the park? (multiple selections)

Q2 Answer Results
 Child-rearing generationPark Protection Association
A. Smoke and smell of tobacco78.3%22.5%
B. Health effects of passive smoking69.9%12.7%
C burns caused by fire of walking tobacco30.7%6.0%
D. Littering of Butts74.1%77.9%

O Others (free entry)※
 ・Child-rearing generation (PDF: 124KB)
 ・Park Protection Association (PDF: 263KB)


※The parts of expressions that can identify individuals and companies are hidden.
 In addition, those that are not related to smoking are excluded.

Q3: If you have any opinions regarding passive smoking in a park in Yokohama City, please fill in (free entry)

Child-rearing generation (PDF: 226KB)
Park Protection Association (PDF: 292KB)
※The parts of expressions that can identify individuals and companies are hidden.
 In addition, those that are not related to smoking are excluded.

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Inquiries to this page

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