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Radiation dose in the park

Last updated on March 31, 2023.

Measurement contents

About park in the city, we measure radiation dose of park.

1 General spatial radiation dose (a)

We measure space γ (gamma) dose of 50cm (1m in some cases) on the surface of the ground at one central place of park use such as open space of each park.

2 Radiation dose at locations that may become microspots (b)

Measure γ (gamma) doses of 1 cm and 50 cm on the surface at places that may become micro spots among the facilities in the park, based on the usage of children.

[Example of measurement points]

  • Around playground equipment (sandbox, slide entrance, under swing, under dance ground of compound playground equipment, etc.)
  • Compost storage
  • Above gutters, on rainwater basins, places where rainwater can easily accumulate, etc.

Announcement of measurement results

The measurement results are calculated separately for general spatial radiation dose (a) in the park and radiation dose (b) at points that may become microspots.

Each ward is lined up in Address.

Measurement results in the park
Name of wardGeneral spatial radiation dose
Become a microspot
Radiation dose at possible locations (b)
TsurumiResults display (PDF: 110KB)Results display (PDF: 215KB)
KanagawaResults display (PDF: 112KB)Results display (PDF: 240KB)
WestResults display (PDF: 87KB)Results display (PDF: 155KB)
MediumResults display (PDF: 106KB)Results display (PDF: 200KB)
SouthResults display (PDF: 104KB)Results display (PDF: 178KB)
KonanResults display (PDF: 113KB)Results display (PDF: 240KB)
HodogayaResults display (PDF: 117KB)Results display (PDF: 225KB)
AsahiResults display (PDF: 118KB)Results display (PDF: 264KB)
IsogoResults display (PDF: 103KB)Results display (PDF: 220KB)
KanazawaResults display (PDF: 123KB)Results display (PDF: 301KB)
KohokuResults display (PDF: 105KB)Results display (PDF: 229KB)
GreenResults display (PDF: 107KB)Results display (PDF: 215KB)
Green leavesResults display (PDF: 125KB)Results display (PDF: 290KB)
TsuzukiResults display (PDF: 132KB)Results display (PDF: 247KB)
TozukaResults display (PDF: 122KB)Results display (PDF: 260KB)
SakaeResults display (PDF: 107KB)Results display (PDF: 186KB)
SpringResults display (PDF: 103KB)Results display (PDF: 203KB)
SeyaResults display (PDF: 96KB)Results display (PDF: 170KB)

About "standard" of correspondence of radiation dose measurement result in Yokohama-shi

Estimated response
Surface heightYokohama-shi
1mResponse to 0.23μSv/h or more as a guide
(50cm)(0.23 μSv/h or more as a guide)
(If it is 0.23μSv / h or more, measure even 1m.)
1cmResponse to 0.59 μSv/h or more as a guide

About measuring instruments

There are four types of measuring instruments used for measurement.

In general, the measured value of the GM meter tube is higher than the scintillation detector.

This is due to differences in the mechanism of the device. Scintillation detectors tend to have high sensitivity to radiation in a certain direction, and GM tubes tend to have high measurement values because they are sensitive to the radiation dose in the lateral direction.

A: TCS-172B (manufactured by Hitachi Aloka Medical)

Detector-NaI (TI) scintillation detector

B: Mr. Ganma-A2700 type (manufactured by Clear Pulse)

Detector - CSI(TI) scintillation detector

C: PA-1000-Radi (manufactured by Horiba Works)

Detector - CSI(TI) scintillation detector

D: RDS-30 (manufactured by Million Technology)

Detector-energy-compensated GM meter pipe

Radiation-related information in Yokohama City

Page of Yokohama City Radiation Control Headquarters

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Inquiries to this page

Parks and Green Space Preservation Division, Green Area of Green Environment Bureau Park

Phone: 045-671-3848

Phone: 045-671-3848

Fax: 045-664-2588

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 904-107-915


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