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  6. Measurement status of radioactive cesium concentration and spatial radiation rate

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Measurement status of radioactive cesium concentration and spatial radiation rate

This is the measurement status of radioactive cesium concentration and spatial radiation rate at "Yokohama Animal Forest Park Green Recycling Plant".

Last updated on January 18, 2024.

Radioactive cesium concentration in compost and raw materials

Measurement status

Measurement items

Date of measurement



Total Cesium

Compost just before shipment

March 24, 2015




Tips immediately before shipment

March 24, 2015




※Units are becquerels/kg

Measurement method

Compliant with nuclides analysis using gamma-ray spectrometry using germanium semiconductor detectors
※The measurement was carried out by the Yokohama Green Business Cooperative, which operates a green recycling plant, asking an analytical organization.

Shipment and sale of products

In compost production, we measure at the time of shipment and confirm that it is within the provisional allowance set by the government (product weight of 400 becquerels / kg) before shipping and selling.

Space radiation dose at site boundaries

Measurement status

Measurement point

Measurement height

Measurement value

North site boundary1m0.09
East site boundary1m0.09
South site boundary1m0.08
West site boundary1m0.05

※1 unit is microsievert/hour

Date of measurement

August 24, 2011

Measurement equipment

Sodium iodide, scintillation, survey meter


On March 29, 2012, we started regular measurement of γ (gamma) doses in the atmosphere at 1 m above ground at radiation monitoring posts (outside site) installed on municipal land inHodogaya Ward Buddha.

For inquiries about compost

Green Recycling Plant
Phone: 045-958-3028
FAX: 045-958-3029
(Business hours: Monday to Friday, 8:30 to 12:00, 13:00 to 17:30)

Inquiries to this page

Parks and Green Space Preservation Division, Green Area of Green Environment Bureau Park

Phone: 045-671-3848

Phone: 045-671-3848

Fax: 045-664-2588

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 624-594-454


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